Major problems with cmdagent . .am a newbie

Dont think this is the right place for this but found it difficult to find a forum for problems.

I have a major problem with cmdagent on my main machine. Its been running at 100% cpu for the past 45 minutes and just changed to 50% cpu. None of my icons have come up and the machine hardly responds at all . . .just abaout managed to look at processes to see what was sucking up cpu.

before i identified this i tried restoring windows as thought that was the problem . . . .its still sitting at 50% and i cant do anything . . .PLEASE PLEASE someone help

Hi There! I Hor soad the same Problem today with my laptop :-\

I think it’s duo to an update malfunction or something. I think i din’t switch off correctly the pc last night :-X

Well when I found that cmdagent was eating all the cpu, I decided to run Vista on the safe mode and uninstalled comodo and then everything went great(Back to normal).

Now I’m installing comodo again, so far it’s all OK but let’s see if he behaves well…

i will try what you suggest
Was on the verge of something drastic!!!

what a ■■■■■■ . . .will post back with any results i get

does anyone know if this a common problem with the software?


here’s the workaround :

the steps are there completely

best regards,

Holl michael
thanks very muchly for this . . .i have zapped the evil thing and now have access to my machine again
Shame i didnt get the fix earlier
anyhow gonna download the latest version and try again
sassin frassin rassin dassin

was close to zapping the whole machine

I was going crazy too with this issue. One of my worst nightmares >:-D
I’m Glad you did’nt format your HD ;D

Your welcome,
Santiago Hollmichel