Loss of 'Backup V plates' didn't go so well...

Right so I have realized the need for data backup and have gone and got an external hard drive and downloaded comodo thinking that would solve all my problems. Hmmm.

I then went and tried to backup all my data, which is where I have had a bit of a mishap…

After the error saying a document was in use and backup didn’t work poroperly (looked it up at the time but have forgotten the number -180?), I thought I’d just ‘Try Again’. This happened a second time, after which I also tried again.

I then thought I better check what was going on and…

There are three copies of every file in each, my computers C:/Documents/XXXX drive that I trying to back up, and in my external hard drive.

I realise this must be due to the fact I clicked ‘two way sync’, and must have had the ‘full backup’ ticked. I actually really just wanted two way incremental.

So a proper ‘school boy’ mistake I’m the first to admit, is there anyone who can help with this? I am not that keen to go through everywhere and delete the surplus files.
