Loop-back, UDP, close ports? 3 Q's

Just three questions - see this image for the questions (red):


Thanks for helping.

Hi idkj,

Welcome to the forums.
the 4x0 “source” is because the request is “local” loopback traffic and not bound to an interface…

UDP traffic you show are at least 4 different things.
123/UDP = Time Sync (probably time.windows.com from your clock settings).
138/UDP = NetBIOS Netlogon and Browsing
1900/UDP = Multicast uPNP some application on your system is looking for uPNP capable router(s) on your network
The remaining one is from cfp.exe and i think it could be ThreatCast request but I’m not 100% sure i should do some new testing with it to determine if it uses those ports, previously it was on port 53.

You can globally block UDP traffic on the Firewall’s global rules, those are not bound to an application but are global for the whole system.