Recently the log files created seem to have gotten out of control! I have the logging preference set to 250MB for testing, (was at 25MB), when that file size is reached the log file is moved to a temp folder. The problem is that yesterday between 6:00AM and 9:10AM it created nine of these files totaling 2.2GB, then from 3:22PM to 6:47PM it created four more totaling 1GB. When I had logging set to 25MB recently, when the computer was on all day, Comodo created a total of 194 log files totaling 4.98GB! So far this morning in only an hour it has created files totaling 866MB.
I’ve tried loading some of these files into the log viewer but, there is nothing viewable. Opening the files in notepad shows there is information in them but, can’t really be read that way.
My question is, why are so many log files created and how can I stop it? I have Comodo firewall version 5.4.189822.1355.
Thank you for any wisdom you may have.