The latest results are out! AV-TEST | Antivirus & Security Software & AntiMalware Reviews
CMS did good at detecting 99.3% though there were a huge amount of false positives, 29 in total!
No other app tested had more than 2 (apart from GData who had 6). Good that CMS is not far off the 100% detection (avast is closer at 99.8 and Sophos just behind at 99.2) but would be great to hear what plans the Devs have to minimize FPs.
This is, after all, just a test of it’s detection capabilities and you can whitelist any apps that are FPs within CMS and I’ve never experienced any FPs.
There’s certainly something to be said for CMS’s ability to detect malware. The signature updates are infrequent (Last update was at least a couple weeks ago if not longer) and yet CMS is still near the top in catching the baddies. As far as detection numbers go, it doesn’t matter a great deal as long as they are around the industry average which is 97.7.
So, CMS is doing well. Any plans to increase the cloud based detection or possibly an interim quarantine so FPs can be analyzed in the cloud when connected to Wifi or 3G/4G?
Great product, let’s hope it improves soon!