just scan 1 file

Fist off I want to say by happy chance I found Comodo while searching the internet for a Firewall/Antivirus solution.
I am very happy to have found Comodo!!!

OK to my question…

Im running version of Comodo Antivirus
If I download something off the web …say a .exe or a .txt how can I just check that 1 file for viruses?
I only see a way of searching the entire HD but I just need to check 1 file…



Beta version of Comodo Anti Virus cannot scan an individual file, but this facility has been built into Beta version 2.X. Beta version 2 is availavble for download through the forum section - CAVS - BETA CORNER.

As with all beta software, there is no guarantee that it will not cause hiccups on your PC. The latest beta is axceptionally stable and has some remarkable new features built in, but it is still a beta.

If you do decide to download and install CAVS2, it would be worth your time searching the forums for posts on possible problems uninstalling CAVS1 prior to installing CAVS2. A forum moderator, “Little Mac”, has done a mountain of work to nut out an excellent method of reliably uninstalling CAVS1.X. Little Macs methods has worked for most people who were unable to uninstall CAVS1.

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile: