I just tried Comodo again to test it out and blog about the results(the results were amazing-not in a good way).
Metasploit is NOT malware. Neither is Glassfish, or a HTML file with only HTML markup in it, Neither is the HP imaging program I just installed, the Ruby webrat gem isn’t malware, and I can guarantee you the plugins.html file in both the QT SDK from Nokia and Thunderbird is not malware either.
Comodo incorrectly labeled 128 files as various types of malware, and not one of them is malware. That is an outstanding detection rate(0%)-I hope the comodo team is proud of their work.
Anyway, I am willing to help them, but I am not going through the form at Comodo Antivirus Database | Submit Files for Malware Analysis 128 times. If that is all they have to report issues, they deserve the bad rating they are going to get.
I will save the file if someone knows an easier way to report their mistakes but Comodo is uninstalled. Judging by the other posts it seems that all Comodo knows how to do is give out false positives. This program must be hell on people who lack knowledge of their computers.