If it’s any help, I can’t seem to download anything from the Comodo site. I can view pages in the browser but clicking on any download link doesn’t work.
well, it seems they have identified the problem and will have a fix soon.
For me also, the first link does not work, the second does. A neighbor using the same ISP has no problems.
Do you both have the same network devices in between?
What’s the difference between your’s and his network setup?
Can you traceroute the first address (open a command-box and type tracert download.comodo.com and then press ENTER).
And also trace the second tracert
And post the results here? or send them in a PM if you don’t wish to post publicly.
Hi well I though I would try these files out since I was having this problem before but once I changed my router I did not have a problem any more. I downloaded these files and both worked for me with my New router and haven’t had a problem since I switched to my new router. I could hook up the old router that I was using before when I did have this problem and see what works for me if that would help. Please tell me if you would like me to try that I can’t say a 100% that it will work though because at last it was intermittent at best. But for days before that I could download things. Anywhere I wanted to I just could not download from Comodo for that time period but other places worked just fine anytime I wanted to download. When it was working and when it was not I would work for a few hours and then all the sudden just not let me go anywhere at last but only at last. Even though all the lights were still on and it said everything was connected it just wouldn’t let me do anything though. I am willing to help anyway I can. I am just not sure how helpful I can be now though since I am currently not having a problem. But I will try my best. I hope this makes sense
Both of our systems use a receiver dish pointed to a transmiltter on a mountain. His signal goes into one netgear router then via network cable to his wireless router. My receiver signal goes directly into my wireless netgear router. One laptop is wireless, the other (tower) is connected to the router with a cable. Neither will download the updates as of the end of August. I am thinking of taking the laptop to some free wifi area like the airport and trying it there.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Va84976 can you even for just a little while connect your computer directly to your modem not through the router to see if that does any different
I tried connecting the receiver/transmitter cable directly into the computer (there is no modem for this type of system). It doesn’t work. It apparently has to have the signal going into a router.
The 1st link DOESN’T work.
The 2nd link DOES work inside of Comodo to update the AV.
Also, when I use the 2nd link inside of Comodo, I can’t check for updates for the program (see attachment). Otherwise, it times out on the normal URL (download.comodo.com) giving me “Error 0x80072efe”.
And before you ask, yes, I can tracert “download.comodo.com” and “” with no problems.
But I CAN’T tracert “us4.download.comodo.com” (or any other of the us* or eu* url’s) or “”. Both of them completely time out.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Same as most folk:
The first download fails with “The connection was reset” and the second 10MB download works fine.
I’ve got linux on a virtual machine and I could boot off a live linux cd if there’s something you’d like me to test.
Dave (the newbie, not the admin)
The first downloaded without problems.
The second got interrupted 3 times during download, after resumes it continued and finally got downloaded.
me too ! Giulio ,from Italy!
Hi there, I have been having the same problem since 30/08 - I have done as suggested - but at the risk of sounding stupid, how do I post the results plz? I got a one line back on the tracer followed by lines and lines of timed out.
Also tried the two download links - first doesnt work, second gets error 404
Thanks for your help
It’s very strange that Comodo’s engineers not resolve this problem… :-
It’s the end of the freeware?.. :embarassed:
download TEST
Internet Explorer: impossible to view the Web page
download OK
From Italy
http://download.comodo.com/10MB is now working for me all of a sudden. I’m also now able to update inside of Comodo once again with the normal URL.
Also, I can now tracert “” (us4.download.comodo.com) once again without it timing out.
So, it seems Comodo fixed something in the last 9 hours that fixed the problem for me.
EDIT: is still timing out for me, but is working. Crazy.
EDIT #2: More info. Info from the tracert here:
us1.download.comodo.com > (downloads.comodo.com) > Works.
us2.download.comodo.com > (downloads.comodo.com) > Works.
us3.download.comodo.com > (downloads.comodo.com) > Works.
us4.download.comodo.com > (downloads.comodo.com) > Timing out.
eu1.download.comodo.com > (downloads.comodo.com) > Works.
eu2.download.comodo.com > (downloads.comodo.com) > Timing out.
eu3.download.comodo.com > (downloads.comodo.com) > Timing out.
eu4.download.comodo.com > (downloads.comodo.com) > Works.
I can provide a full tracert, but please PM me for it.
Wow, both computers successfully ran the updates today and are now up to date. Thanks, Comodo. It would certainly be interesting to know what you did to fix it.
It looks like the antivirus updated either last night or first thing this morning but now I can’t update again and the top link in the above links doesn’t work again. Something relevant happened?
I am from India.
I was not able to download any Comodo programs from the site/forum, was also not able to update the AV, the 2 links mentioned here were also not working here, BUT today everything is working fine. So has the Devs found what the prob was & solved it?
Was not able to update since September 2nd. Ditched the Belkin router and replaced it with a DLink and all my computers updated properly.
Was not able to dl the file from either location when the belkin router was being used.