I infected my PC today

Ok, thank you for your message. It is strange. Where can I have some error?

I already found where is mistake. I had all partition D in exclusions. I thought it is always for the full scan. I did not know it is also for manual and custom and real time scan.

So I am sorry. :-[


I have the same problem today. I have the latest beta version. I downloaded the file that Comodo marks as infected on Virustotal and in my PC it marks as as clean. I do not have it in any exceptions, I checked it. Where can the problem be?

thank you

Could it be possible to post a virus total link of this file here ?

Ok, I will send it again in PM.

There’s some execution control setting on your comodo version ?

on my comodo FW 5.12 the Defense+, the execution control settings to treath unrecognized files is set to block all files unrecognized.
So if you set your execution control to something else than treat unreconized files as blocked,
you’ll get into trouble sooner or later, just a question of time and luck.
any file unrecognized has to be blocked without exception or you’ll get infected, that’s a fact.

Set comodo settings to the highest level of security, the firewall has to intercept absolutly anything, even from trusted files.
Defense+ has to control anything or your protection is just useless.

I have the same problem today. I downloaded some infected files. I have latest CIS 7 Pro version. I have latest virus database 18310 and win 8 64b.

When I scan these files in my PC Comodo says it clean. When I upload these files on Virustotal - Comodo marked files as " UnclassifiedMalware". WHen I run the first file in Comodo sandbox (2014_05_rechnungonline_8290155236_sign_deutsche_telekom_ag.exe), Comodo in my PC marks file as a virus.
When I run the second file, Comodo says nothing.

Links on virustotal are here:

https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/c5f739b880454bbf4d7570b5e685b7481ff9aa80bb5d3c15fd8eaac5d6d4f289/analysis/1401208356/ https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/4502e11a5b36988346175b6a8005695a28d692ec6472cea25fab3c6416cf8d2c/analysis/1401208435/

thank you for your help