I don't need no steenking updates

  1. I am still being prompted for updates, even though the boxes in settings are all unchecked. Told the popup no, and not to bother me again. We shall see. ???

custom policy/train with safe mode. See signature for configuration.

Confirmed. Unchecking auto updates doesn’t do beans.

Al (I wonder when the next “will we be releasing on December xx?” is going to appear) Adric

The info wasn’t in all the invites but, you should be aware, NOT to follow through with the update, as it will revert back to original V3 release.

PS I unticked the box and haven’t receive a update notice.

Just wait a while-I unticked it too. :■■■■

LOL… Since everything else seems to be running fine, it will give me something to look forward too! (:HUG)

I also got the update notice today, although I disabled autoupdate yesterday right after I installed the beta.

Same here. Still getting update notification with the automatic check disabled…

I have the same problem. This is very annoying for me because during gaming this updater causes the game to minimize to taskbar and sometimes even crash.
I hope it will be fixed in next version.

Tried yesterday telling it to check again in 30 days. Back again today. Ignore and wait for final. :slight_smile:

I’ve never been asked to update, ticked or unticked. I’m feeling left out! (:SAD)

lol I get notified everyday of updates and asked if I want to perform an update. I just click No and ask in 10 days. it just asks me the next day though the samething lol.

am not too bothered by it though since its just once a day it asks that