How was your PC infected by malware?

This is purely curiosity, nothing more. I read constantly about people who believe their PC was ‘infected’ by something, even whilst running xyz or abc security product, so I was just wondering, assuming it was real, how it happened.

I don’t want people to name names or denigrate any company’s product, I’m simply interested in finding out how you believe your PC was infected, if and when it has ever happened.

Specifics would be good :slight_smile:

I once became infected by disabling the protection of a security product to play Age of Empires 2. Usually, I would switch off the router first, drop the protection on both computers (i.e firewall, antivirus, etc) and then play the game.

I remember getting the game setup (both ends) and then going for a quick shower. I then got a yell from the other half saying that a message had appeared on the screen. Can’t remember what that exact message was now but it was definately the Blaster worm.


From a bunch of investigations I have done on infected systems lately it varies from

  • Drive-by-download, user is unaware the site is hosting a scripted drive-by attack on the site of the local gym, old flashplayer, no blacklisted string in their AV and poof.
  • Phishing mail, nice mails with links to malware are still attractive apparently click link, download .zip, open zip, oh look invoice_______________________________.exe let’s click on it.
  • Downloading ‘cracks’ to do whatever ‘update’ to whatever software.
  • Famous FakeAV your system is infected with 2000+ malware click here to scan.

This is the 9th year of my computer/internet usage. Right from the beginning i.e 2003 I have been running only free FW & AV. No infection yet. No infection from the web. Time to time AV has detected malware on USB. But ondemand scans with various malware cleaners was always clean i.e nothing found.

Where are the malware? Is HIPS necessary? :wink:

Currently running Comodo FW & AV with D+ disabled permanently from the last 2-3 months. No infection yet.

Where are the malware? Is HIPS necessary? :slight_smile:

But planning to run the Full Suite CIS 6 when released coz the features are extremely dangerously interesting attractive killing :slight_smile:


Fixed that for you. :slight_smile:

Then that goes for everything whether you are running basic like FW & AV only or Advanced like HIPS too. With any basic or advanced security you cannot claim the system is infection free :slight_smile:


Back on topic please :slight_smile:

I got an infection several years ago, before I discovered Comodo. I ran the PC with just an antivirus and windows FW. I was visiting legit but small sites searching description of plants! One of the site wasn’t probably protected enough and I got an exploit. The antivirus detected it but too late of course and was unable to clean. The PC became progressively unusable and I’d to re-install.

I got once infected when I opened a pic from a classmate.

Over 10 years ago many PCs at work including mine were infected by a virus which caused Windows to crash and reboot repeatedly. I don’t remember which virus, but it would have been prevented if the AV signatures had been up-to-date. It was removed by booting in Safe Mode and updating the AV with the latest signatures and rebooting. Not long after they implemented fully automated frequent AV updates!

Back in 2001 running Windows XP with non-LUA and no AV protection. Enough said.

It was the time where over-the-phone recommendations were for Ad-Aware 1.06 SE.

In the good old days

Word Macro, Shankar

Still have a few floppy’s with those old one’s ;D
Used a lot of Dr Solomon back in the days.

But one day i inserted an usb stick, and my antivirus handled an autorunner on it. As i had comodo defense+ running too, i had not to worry at all :smiley:

In this scenario, i would not want to miss any of them both…

Just forget to re-enable AV and run suspicious file carelessly.


AV detect and require user decision but user just “Close” that window and run it. (Almost seen in a lot of users.)