How To Stay Safe While Online

I advise an alternative called ScriptSafe in my article here:

Do you believe that ScriptBlock is better than ScriptSafe, or have you not yet tried both?


Yes i saw that but Scriptblock seems really easier to set than scriptsafe,
But i see both extensions are no more updated for almost one year.

I have some question about websites displaying which browser and version we use, which OS we use, and more infos about our system.
Is there anyway to block websites from accessing those data from our computer ?
they can get our IP, no prob, but for the rest, how to disable websites to get our personal infos about which softwares we use and OS and a lot more things ?

I believe the application Secret Agent, for Firefox, should do that well. It is discussed in the article. However, I do not know of one for Chrome. If you find one please let me know.


thanks a lot Chiron,

I checked firefox extensions, there are a lot of them to disable infos about the system or browser version used.
that’s a good idea to add that for prevention.

Hello Chiron,

I found some extension to spoof my agent version for the browser and the OS on chrome,
But i found in browser objetcs a command to know your real infos, thats the navigator object.
with navigator.appVersion you see your real infos.
and even with navigator.userAgent, it shows real infos 50% of the time.

I’m looking for some extension to spoof the navigator object but for now I didnt find usefull infos.

Do you have any idea on how to defeat this navigator object ?
If i dont allow javascript it doesnt show any infos, but the extension i use is able to spoof agent version with javascript no using this object.



I’m sorry, but I don’t know of any. Would you mind sharing the links for what you have found, even though they are imperfect?


yes i tried my spoof user agent there : JavaScript - Browser detect

and i understand that there’s no solution as it’s a function integrated in all browsers, you send the navigator.appVersion and the browser will send all the infos.

So we can block scripts, that’s all, and even with blocked scripts, we can get your user agent with the old method that doesnt need javascipt, but we can spoof it.
I think i’m going to let it down with that, there’s nothing serious to reply to our privacy and security.

oh and I installed RequestPolicy on IceDragon, Yes that’s a very nice extension, I like it, i’m going to keep it for sure, and it’s clear and simple to use, nice extension, yes it’s one we need for Firefox.
So with IceDragon I have Noscript, Adblock plus but i’ll check for some exentions equivalent to see if there are good ones in the same style.
and i have also ghostery. it’s okay for security online i think.