how to fix failed items from the clt.exe test suite?


I run clt.exe & had only 240/340, havin follwing vulnerable items:

  1. Hijacking: ActiveDesktop
  2. Impersonation: Coat
  3. Impersonation: ExplorerAsParent
  4. Impersonation: OLE automation
  5. InfoSend: ICMP Test
  6. Injection: SetThreadContext
  7. Injection: SetWindowsHookEx
  8. Injection: SetWinEventHook

Item 1, Hijacking ist obviously a false alarm, since i don´t have Active Desktop activated. But what has to be changed in the configs in order to make it water proof, full 340 points? How can i get rid of those other seven
weaknesses in CIS? Anyone has an idea about this? Sorry for asking again, but i want this things to be fixed.

Delete The CLT.exe From The Computer Security Policy (Defense+>Advance>Computer Security Policy>“clt.exe” > Remove > Apply)
also the Network Security Policy (Firewall>Advance>Network Security Policy>“clt.exe”>Remove>apply)

Then Run The Test Again And Once Alerted Mark As “Blocked Application”* / “Isolated Application”**
*Firewall Alert
**Defense+ Alert

And See if you get a better score


You should use Proactive defense configuration for full leak protection

Now it´s a 300/320, only Impersonation Coat & Infosend: ICMP left vulnerable. Any idea who to close those two? Maybe IE needs some slightly different settings?

ICMP would be in your global rules

Can you post a screen shot of your global rules?
(Firewall > Advance > Network Security Policy > Global Rules (Tab)