How the Comodo Sandbox works - technical discussion

+1 show alerts for sandboxed apps too

They will be implemented in the CIS 4.

Unconfirmed user opinion - doesn’t mean it won’t happen though.

Ewen :slight_smile:

I really hope they do, this just has to be, and most of us know this going by what has been said in response to it not being already done already.

Of course I have every bit of faith in Comodo and how they will actually see sense and do just what we (quite a few forum/product users) ask.

You were saying?

I was saying that it hasn’t been officially confirmed they will be in the release version.

(We are still working on the notifications).

I didn’t interpret this as a confirmation. You may have. I may be right. You may be right. Time will tell, but I’m not betting the big house on what will or will not be in the release version.

Ewen :slight_smile:

Sorry to disappoint you, but as far as I can say from the changes in the translation files,

(We are still working on the notifications).
corresponds to the notifications, that an application is (or will be) sandboxed.

It’s probably not about alerts of sandboxed applications.

Thats why I said “They will be implemented in the CIS 4.”