FTP connections

With Firewall on I cant get a FTP connection, with Dreamweaver CS3 or Total Commander.

With the Firewall off works.

Can you help me?

(sorry for my bad english)

Are you using the Comodo rules for FTP client? If so, the rule for passive FTP is missing. Add a rule to the Firewall/Advanced/Predefined Firewall Policies/FTP client
for Allow Passive FTP Requests

It works now! - Thank you very much!!! ;D

I looked at the rules for th default FTP Client and the first rule called ‘Allow outgoing FTP Connection Requests’ is already set up that way. What is the sense of adding this rule other than having a different name?


This rule was missing on my settings.

I installed de Firewall yesterday and i changed nothing.

With the “new” rule works fine!

These are the default rules I have for the FTP-Client What rules did you have?


[attachment deleted by admin]

Adric, in spite of the name, the rule you are referring to only allows connection to port 21. You could change that, of course, but it is convenient to leave it for those who actually only do active FTP.

Sorry, missed that last any.


I changed now the “Allow” into “Ask” it is a little saver, i think.

Sorry guys… i am new to comodo.

I have got the same problem… dreamweaver cs3 will not allow me to retreive and upload etc on to my web server. I have followed your advice here but to no avail…

Could do with a complete walk tru as i am still finding my around comodo


What are your global rules. If you end them with a “block all inbound” and are using active ftp, you need a global allow rule for the active inbound connection. Do you get any messages in your log? Sorry; don’t use cs3.

“Toggle 'use active ftp rulkes@ may get you a connection” come up from dreamweaver cs3 but if i stop the comodo firewall all is back to normal as it was with Zonealarm before i changed over 3 days ago.

Everything else on my pc workd perfectly other than ftp stuff on dreamweaver.

Comodo settings are as it loaded with permission given to anything that i wanted when asked.

Having never used comodo before i am not familier with the setups but may just have to go back to zonealarm so i can work as required.

Which CFP3 version are you using? Are you using the CFP3 rules for ftp client with CS3? See firewall/advanced/network security policy. They end in a block and log-do you get anything in the log. Do you have a global rule to block inbound? Same area, global rules tab. If so, add a global rule :allow/tcp/in/any/20/any/any ahead of it and try active ftp. Or if you toggle cs3 to passive mode, see if you get a connection. Active ftp is unique in that it requires you to allow an inbound connection in order to make the downloads work.

will have a look at the settings when i find them… cheers.

just got back home and tried your suggestions… top geezer. All working now :slight_smile:

Thanks a bundle… ever want a motorcycle trials bike problem sorted let me know :smiley:

… ok, no idea what happened there but back to not working for the ftp!!!
Drop the firewall and all is ok… looks like zonealarm or something else may be coming back!!!

Check the rules again. There are some reports of them not being remembered by the firewall without all of the "apply"s being applied.