FTP Client Ruleset

What is your OS and version of CFP3? Under Network Security Policy, what rules do you have fpr flashfxp? What are your global rules? Are you getting any block messages in your firewall log?

OK my setting is

WIN XP service pack 2
nod32 antivirus

my network are 2 one connected to the router and one to xbox. everyone is set to allowed.
The stange things is that nothing in my log about blocjed ftp

i need to uninstall comodo to make my network works againg with xbox. anyone with my same problem? i’m discussing in italina forum and they sad me that is a bug fixed in the next 3.1 version.

ony ideas?

3.1 is supposed to be out tomorrow, so maybe ask then if that doesn’t clear up the problem for you. :slight_smile:

ok i’ll wait tomorro but now 2.4 works fine for me. I’m in doubt to change again