First time Comodo Firewall user wanting to know if can tweek program.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

I am using Comodo Firewall as a replacement for the Windows Firewall.

1.) Can I remove the Comodo icon from the task bar? (by not using Windows notification area customizations)

2.) I am using Comodo Firewall with all defaults. Should I change anything? If yes, what?

FYI, I classify my web habits as pretty safe.

  1. No. The only thing you can do is hide it from view.
    2.You can switch to Proactive Security to get more hands on with the firewall rules. This can also be achieved by removing the All Applications rule from list of Application Rules (this step will save you to start from scratch again; when switching to another configuration you will not get the rules made in the other configuration.