Firewall with Windows 8.1 update 1 and internet explorer problems


On two new brand installations of Windows 8.1 update 1 on two different computers, I’ve experienced the same problem:

Internet Explorer can access some pages like bing, but not others like (yes, you’ve readed well). :o
The ping from the command line to works well, and also if I install another browser like Firefox, it works ok too.

I’ve repeated the installation two times with the same result, and no additional software installed.

Did anybody suffered the same pain ?

Thanks in advance !!! ;D

Hi and welcome observingman,
There is a related issue posted in the link below.
I posted a workaround in reply 2 of that topic and still to this day I am not entirely sure why this issue occurs.
IE cannot connect to (blocked) after the update, anyone too?

Kind regards.

WOW ! Thanks for the information…

You are welcome. :slight_smile: