Firewall Tutorial for Utorrent with Comodo Internet Security

But how can I do to skip ALL the intrusion attempts I get when I close uTorrent!? Over 2000 intrusion attempts to that uTorrent port and still counting… ???

The disk a working a lot because of that! I don’t like that!

I don’t get the green ok network icon in uTorrent either.

What do you mean? Should I enable that? What does It do? Is It save?

Just wondering, what’s the significance of disabling protocol analysis?

Hello Ragwing,
I was using the similar rules as in your instruction all the time and it worked.
When converted to version 3 I rechecked, found this “Port Set” advice and followed.
the only thing I cannot understand is:
“Allow TCP OR UDP In/Out From IP Any To IP Any Where Protocol Is Any”
“highlited blue” is the thing in question ???
The only thing where “Protocol Is Any” can be set is
when the rule is
Allow IP In/Out ; Source ANY ; Dest. ANY ; IP Details (IP Protocol) ANY

and I was reading that somewhere here and set it up like that.
Am I missing something? …Or even I am doing wrong thing despite uTorrent is working?

Thanks in advance
my regards

Yeah, I know. It’s from before I updated my rules.

Btw, I changed my rules to these:


[b]Allow TCP OR UDP In From IP Any To [Your MAC/IP] Where Source Port Is Any And Destination Port is In [uTorrent port]

Allow TCP OR UDP Out From [Your MAC/IP] To IP Any Where Source Port Is Any And Destination Port Is Any[/b]


Allow TCP OR UDP In From IP Any To [Your MAC/IP] Where Source Port Is Any And Destination Port Is In [uTorrent port]



Thank you for reply and clarifying the matter.

I may take courage and put a special Thank You on behalf of all users for modifying the initial post at the beginning of this Tutorial thread.

My best regards

…and another P2P-unrelated note: the Preview is back ! Yes!
I can see green/bold Thank You (:WAV)

I have followed the guide and even tried the stealth port setting but no matter what I do i get this message:

Testing port 56530 ... NAT Error - Connect attempt to (your computer) timed out after 20 seconds. This means your port is probably closed.
Oh and I am actually using azereus not utorrent but see no reason these settings wont work.

Pandlouk, if you don’t mind, I added how to configure uTorrent for port forwarding with router in your post.


since i had been setup the settings at the post 1 azureus give me error of connection to the tracker and sometimes give me “ok(DHT:)”…how caon resolve this problem?sorry for my poor english

Check if you have the latest version of Comodo & also if Attack Detection Settings, Miscellaneous has “Do protocol analysis” turned off; If that’s what you’re talking about, I think it’s already been mentioned in this thread…:wink:

hi what should i do if i do not get this popup?

Have you run Utorrent before with CFP3? It could be remembering an old rule.

If you have, try checking firewall>advanced>network security policy and see if utorrent is listed among the programs. If it is you can remove it so you can force another pop-up.

hey i tried what people posted here and i get terrible speed with uttorent :frowning: i followed ur rule setup the same i dunno why is not working right :frowning:


Did you use mine or pandllouk’s rules?


i did both something not working right

Do you get an green icon in uTorrent?
Also, if you have a router, don’t forget to enable port forwarding for it.


i get the the green light but i hardly connect to anybody and i’m not behind any router… when i had outpost with rue set i had no prob… but i like comodo it uses less memory

my download rate is slower then normal and my upload speed is normal i’m only getting about 50k download rate when i should be getting close to 200k

its working now i love comodo :slight_smile: