firewall, internet sharing, rtp


win 7, 64, CIS 5.5.1…

first problem:

can’t share my connection if firewall is enabled [i mean when i create adhoc pc2pc network and enable internet connection sharing].

people can connect to network, but they have no net conectivity

i tried programs like Virtual Router manager or so, but the same.

i need my firewall the same as share my connection with my roommate, but no idea how to configure CIS, nothing I tried worked

second problem:

we have free TV at our dorms, but i can’t watch it with firewall enabled.


this is example of one station from playlist - we use vlc to watch it.

i added vlc as trusted app with firewall, but it didnt helped. only help is to turn off firewall, what i would like to keep running

thanks for ideas ;]

//updated to 5.8 - still the same

not fixable?

Obvious quesion, have you tried using the Internet Connection Sharing feature in Windows?

A few things to check:

  1. Firewall/Firewall Behaviour Settings/Alert Settings/This computer is ab ICS server - checked.
  2. You can receive inbound connections from your LAN - use Stealth Ports Wizard with the first option

For the rtp streams, you’ll need to allow the stream through the firewall. Setting an application as trusted only affects Application rules, for this you’ll need to open an inbound UDP port (1234) in Global rules.

This computer is ab ICS server is checked