win 7, 64, CIS 5.5.1…
first problem:
can’t share my connection if firewall is enabled [i mean when i create adhoc pc2pc network and enable internet connection sharing].
people can connect to network, but they have no net conectivity
i tried programs like Virtual Router manager or so, but the same.
i need my firewall the same as share my connection with my roommate, but no idea how to configure CIS, nothing I tried worked
second problem:
we have free TV at our dorms, but i can’t watch it with firewall enabled.
this is example of one station from playlist - we use vlc to watch it.
i added vlc as trusted app with firewall, but it didnt helped. only help is to turn off firewall, what i would like to keep running
thanks for ideas ;]
//updated to 5.8 - still the same