Firewall default allow all vs normal firewall vs firewall for only untrusted

The solution of this problem could be even more simple. CIS developers could simply add another firewall mode which would allow outgoing traffic and would block or (optionally) ask whenever there is incoming connection. This new firewall mode could replace weird application policy approach which is currently used.

Firewall default allow all ==> Allow Outgoing Mode
Normal firewall ==> Custom Policy Mode
Firewall only for untrusted ==> Safe Mode

Allow Outgoing Mode:

  • allows outgoing connections for any application
  • blocks or (optionally) asks whenever there is incoming connection

This new firewall mode would be consistent with currently used application policy for the whole suite installation and it would allow very easy to switch between other firewall modes.

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I like the idea. However I would put the Allow Outgoing Mode lower in column as it is a less secure mode. Its current placement it is stricter/safer than Custom Policy Mode.

Thats funny, so now a cool feature of a security program is allow all the outgoing traffic, this should be simply removed.