Feeling left out.....

Nah, just makes it blurry.

Ah, yes, you’re right. I see I got problem to read myself with those one me. So I got the ultimate solutution against all hackers. How about giving them some ■■■■ so they can’t read out IP’s? :■■■■
Else I found an incredible awesome firewall named Windows Firewall, best thing is: it’s built into your computer!


Just set Scomodo on 'em.

If you don’t know Scomodo, or what he’s capable of, you may want to search the General Discussion forums…


Omg LM, don’t make me ■■■ my pants :frowning:
But are you sure this Windows Firewall doesn’t block him from kidnapping me? :open_mouth:


Well, I don’t want you to ■■■ your pants, Ragwing, but I must tell you - for your own good, you know - that Windows firewall (as “good” as it is) cannot protect you from the ravaging Scomodo.

Sad, but true. A steamroller, perhaps, but not Windows Firewall…


Very interesting and funny reading LM.

That’s like everything you ever wanted to know about a computer keyboard and then some.

I thinks you need bigger glasses before they hide your IP. (:TNG)


Lol Scomodo, nice pic of him LM did you make it? We haven’t talked about Scomodo™ in a long time ;D

I guess it’s because Scomodo™ scares the shit out of everyone :open_mouth:

IP? s**t? What’s with all the bathroom talk now?

I thought you made him… I found it in the Wallpapers thread.