Error 106 -- Could not complete update

When running the CPF updater, I’m getting an “Error 106 – Cound not complete update” dialog.

I did a search of this error on the forum, and saw this post:,526.0.html

I don’t have a registry cleaner on my machine, nor have I “manually” modified the registry in any way. I’m running the current released version (production version) of CPF on a WinXP Pro SP2 machine.

I do not want to re-install CPF – it appears to be working fine except for the 106 error.

Curiously, the launchpad “automatic” updater works fine, starting and stopping (and showing as such in the System Tray) reliably.

Has anyone looked into this 106 problem more carefully?

Egemen, any comment from you guys on this error? I can reproduce it at will, anytime I manually request an update.

If the “106” error indicates that no update is available, please note that so your users will know.

It is because of corrupted files. I recommend reinstalling after backing up your CPF settings under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Software\Comodo\Personal Firewall.

You can then restore your settings by importing your backup registry.

Egemen, thank you for your reply.

Should I uninstall CPF like this (after backing up my registry) and then re-install?

– Open a command prompt window
– Change directory (CD) to personal firewall installation folder
– Type “fwconfig -uninstall” from the command line, and hit Enter
– Re-start Windows
– Manually delete all files

Or, should I simply re-install CPF over the same version?

After backing up, you can simply reinstall. CPF installer will uninstall the previous version for you.