Error 100123 - Many Threads, No fixes?

So I really want to like this program… as it is by far the most options with backup programs… but getting the 100123 error which seems to be many places on the forum and no solutions.

Windows 8.1
CB Ver 4.4.1
Using a Simple Copy backup

Backing up C: Drive NTSF to OneDrive (via Mapped Drive X:). Log is below. Wondering about the ampersand ‘&’ in the dir name or something else?

20.12.2014 14:04:01 Initiating full backup ...
20.12.2014 14:04:01 Collecting source information...
20.12.2014 14:04:01 Total items found is 9. Total size is 243 KB
20.12.2014 14:04:01 Starting full backup...
20.12.2014 14:04:01 Creating initial directory structure...
20.12.2014 14:04:08 Processing items...
20.12.2014 14:04:10 Processed C:\Users\MJ\Documents\Org & Taxes\2014-FinancialSummary.pdf
20.12.2014 14:04:22 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\MJ\Documents\Org & Taxes\2014-FinancialSummary.pdf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
20.12.2014 14:04:23 Processed C:\Users\MJ\Documents\Org & Taxes\CP575Notice_1417802379926.pdf
20.12.2014 14:04:31 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\MJ\Documents\Org & Taxes\CP575Notice_1417802379926.pdf:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
20.12.2014 14:04:33 Processed C:\Users\MJ\Documents\Org & Taxes\Jan2014-DHR.CSV
20.12.2014 14:04:40 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\MJ\Documents\Org & Taxes\Jan2014-DHR.CSV:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
20.12.2014 14:04:41 Processed C:\Users\MJ\Documents\Org & Taxes\transactions.csv
20.12.2014 14:04:49 Unable to process stream item C:\Users\MJ\Documents\Org & Taxes\transactions.csv:Zone.Identifier:$DATA.
20.12.2014 14:04:49 An error occurred during backup
20.12.2014 14:04:49 Processed 243 KB (6.04 KB/s)
20.12.2014 14:04:49 Backup failed with code 100123 (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.