Error: 0x80030201 - The file download was aborted abnormally. The file is incomp

I just noticed that my comodo firewall is still 11 version, and I cannot update it.
When trying I get Error: 0x80030201 - The file download was aborted abnormally. The file is incomplete.
I have reinstalled the Comodo but to no avail. The error is still there. It starts the update, stops at about 11%, then this error. What should I do?

try insert server
see image

It does not help. The download is slower, but it still stops at 12% with the same error.

here connections slowdown:
microsoft, comodo… maybe it’s some problem on shared servers like… akamai, for exemple.
see images

Hi kubus,

Thank you for Reporting.We will check this issue.

Kindly check your inbox for PM and provide us the log for further investigations.

Thanks in advance!
