Enabling Enhanced Prot Mode Resets Microsoft Office To Classic Theme [M1250]

1. The full product and its version:
COMODO Internet Security 8.0.332922.4281 BETA
2. Your Operating System (32 or 64 bit) and ServicePack revision. and if using a virtual machine, which one:
windows 8.1 x64 update, real system

3. List all the configuration changes you did. Are you using Default configuration? If no, whats the difference?:
4. Did you install over a previous version without uninstalling first, or import a previous configuration file?:

5. Other Security, Sandboxing or Utility Software Installed:

6. Step by step description to reproduce the issue. Or if you cannot reproduce it, what you actually did before it happened, step by step:

  1. Install CIS.
  2. Enable Enhanced Protection Mode.
  3. Then run OneNote and note that the them has been changed to the classic theme. Note that if Enhanced Protection Mode is disabled it displays correctly.

7. What actually happened when you carried out these steps:
With Enhanced Protection Mode enabled the themes for Microsoft Office are shown as the classic Theme.

8. What you expected to see or happen when you carried out these steps, and why (if not obvious):
Even with Enhanced Protection Mode enabled there is no reason for the Microsoft Office themes to be changed.

9. Any other information:
CIS lists dwm.exe, which is sandboxed by CIS, in the trusted files as it is signed by Microsoft. The file is attached to this post.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Thank you for reporting this. This seems like a strange issue.

Please try reinstalling by following the advice I give in this post. Be sure to run the removal tool from Safe Mode before reinstalling. Reinstalling by these methods is very important as it rules out a lot of other possible reasons this could be occurring.

Then, once it’s installed please see if this issue happens under the default settings. If it does not then please make any changes you may have made to your configuration one-by-one until you encounter this issue again.

Please let me know what you find, or if you have any questions.

Thank you.

i install cis in a nearly completely new system .
the issue is probably related to the autosandbox and enhanced protect mode

Please do try reinstalling by following the advice I gave in the topic here. Although it may seem like it couldn’t be related to this, I have seen that many times reinstalling by following that advice is able to fix a problem like this, even with the system being fairly new. Please do try it and let me know if it changes anything.


Well,it’s not effective
it still virtualized dwm.exe and the cistray.exe didnt startup when i turn my pc on
even though i turned all rules of auto-sandbox off dwm.exeis still virtualized as limited
and i cant find any relevant logs

Thank you for checking that. Does adding it, and all related files, to the trusted files list solve this issue?

i cant find any related logs

That’s strange that you can’t find any logs. Please try triggering it again and then see if any logs are created.

Also, I noticed that you said it’s virtualized as Limited. I believe that Fully Virtualized is the default. Did you make any changes to your configuration?

Also, did adding the files to the trusted files list change anything?


i didnt change any auto-sandbox configs
and dwm.exe is already in the trusted files since it is from microsoft
though i reset the sandbox dwm.exe is still virtualized as limited

When you reinstalled did you run the removal tool from Safe Mode?

i run it

This is very strange. I just want to be clear of one thing, after reinstalling you did say that this happens with the default settings. Is this correct?

Also, please create and attach a KillSwitch Process list to your first post. Also create and attach a diagnostics post to your first post. If you have any questiosn about how to create the diagnostics report please see here. If you’re not sure about how to create the process list please feel free to ask.

Thank you.

i ve already uploaded the things you need

Thank you. I think there’s just a few more pieces of information I need. Does this happen under default settings before you enable the Enhanced Protection Mode?

Also, is your system 32 bit or 64 bit?



Thank you, is your system 32 bit or 64 bit? If you’re not sure how to tell please feel free to ask.

Also, could you put dwm.exe in a zip file and attach it to your next reply? That would be very helpful.


OneNote isnt virtualized
besides all ms office 2013 are affected as OneNote

[attachment deleted by admin]

If OneNote is not virtualized, then is it just dwm.exe which is virtualized?

Also, is dwm.exe used by all Microsoft Office applications? Is that the link as to why all would be affected, or are other executables affected as well?


i m not sure
but i do believe that it is dut to the enhanced protect mode
once i enable it ms office 2013 is affected

If you disable Enhanced Protection Mode does Microsoft Office work correctly?

Also, please describe in detail the ways in which Microsoft Office is affected.

In addition, please cause the issues to happen. Then, with Microsoft Office still open, follow the advice given here to create a KillSwitch Process List for that time.

Let me know if you have any questions. This is a strange issue, and I am trying to make sure I collect enough information so the devs can evaluate and fix whatever is going on.

Thank you.