Eighty percent of new malware defeats antivirus????!!!!

if it does, then i’m doomed ;D
i don’t think so, i successfully installed & setup my CIS on my own O0
i think the default config is sufficient enough, but of course you can tweak it here & there to get extra protection. my $2 (oh yes, i’m rich ;D ) :■■■■

The question of “what is enough security?” depends on a number of factors,including online activities and technical expertise of the user.For an average user who goes online to do some e-mailing,read a few forums,etc. then CIS,with default configuration is maybe enough,however the AV is still in an early stage so a backup scanner would be advisable IMO.For a very technical user then CIS alone,coupled with good habits,would be sufficient,if not entirely comprehensive…yet. :wink:

Hello, I know this doesn’t really have anything to do with what this article is about, but I would like to get somebody important’s attention since I haven’t seen any changes regarding this issue yet. Here is a copy of an email I have sent to Comodo regarding your firewall. Sorry for this abrupt reply, but this is very important and needs to be address to improve your firewall!

Copy of email:

I’m sorry to have to say this about your product, but I had to quit using it because it still doesn’t have the firewall auto-lock feature that is so desirable for any software firewall. To find out what I mean by an auto-lock feature, please read below, the email I sent long ago concerning this issue. Unfortunately, since I haven’t seen this feature added yet, I have stopped using your product and reinstalled the ZoneAlarm firewall since it does has this feature. I don’t know if you realize how important it is to have this feature available with a firewall. I can’t tell you how much better I feel knowing that my computer will be automatically access safe when my screensaver kicks. This automatic feature is very nice for reasons I don’t think I need to explain.

In short, please consider adding this feature to your firewall ASAP.

Thank you for your concern. Below you will find a copy of the email I sent long ago about this issue.

Matt Horning


I couldn’t find a link for leaving feedback or suggestions for your firewall, so I’m sending this email to this link. Please forward my suggestion to the appropriate department.

I uninstalled my ZoneAlarm firewall so I could install yours. There’s one important feature that ZoneAlarm had which I can’t find on your firewall. This feature is an Internet lock that has the option of being activated when the screensaver activates or after a user defined period of time. I believe it is a very simple feature to incorporate, but a lot of firewalls, including yours, I think, don’t have it. I think this is a very useful, important feature to have on a firewall, because it completely locks down and stops all activity going to and from my computer while I’m away, and also it does this automatically, only after I’m no longer using my computer. Then, when I return to use my computer, the screen saver deactivates which unlocks the firewall so I can have Internet access again.

Please consider adding this option to your firewall as soon as possible, since this adds extra protection to a computer when the person is away. I realize that I could click on your “stop all activities” button to probably do this, but it would be much more convenient to have it done automatically with my screen saver as I’ve described above.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter and also thank you for providing your firewall for free.

Matt Horning

Please post any feature requests to this section:


At our school we researched a virus making bot.
It randomly creates viruses of all kinds.
Most are ■■■■ but from time to time it creates superviruses that broke every antivirus we tested.

Also we researched selflearning virus.
It spreads itself by creating viruses like himself and also by modifying other programs into itself.
The virus improves itself from the personal experience.
It uses probability method (most viruses that are trying to improve die but the ones that survive are very powerful and nearly impossible to remove)

How do you fight these beasts?

You’ve rightly pointed out the limitations of a traditional AV scanner against sophisticated,polymorphic malware.

To fight those type of threats a HIPS ,virtualisation/sandbox or behavioural scanner would be the best methods.However malware hides itself from scanner detection the fact remains that in order to cause a problem it has to do something malicious.In knowledgeable hands a HIPS will detect just about any possible malware activity,as will a good behavioural scanner.Virtualisation/sandboxing is an extremely powerful method for containing malware and isolating it from the system.

we simply don’t let them execute in a PC… we only execute what is good


Luckily there’s Comodo to save the day :comodojiggy:

More & More Rogue Security Apps are appearing, As Anti virus Apps keep getting better the more Malware will increase.