Dump Crash Error [NBZ]

Crash Dump error

The bug/issue

  1. What you did: Applied the Installer over the previous installation, The first time I installed it, it didn’t pop up but it did after the installation and during the attempt to do a fresh installation of it.

  2. What actually happened or you actually saw: I would launch a program on my desktop or just be chatting with friends on teamspeak 3 and this would pop up = cmdinstall.exe - Entry Point Not Found (X) The procedure entry point IsTreadDesktopComposited could not be located in the dynamic link library USER32.dll.

  3. What you expected to happen or see: I expected no errors.

  4. How you tried to fix it & what happened: I tried to uninstall it and do a fresh install rather than install over the previous version.

  5. Details (exact version) of any software involved with download link: Comodo Internet Security 2011, http://download.comodo.com/cis/download/installs/1000/standalone/cispremium_installer_x86.exe

  6. Any other information (eg your guess regarding the cause, with reasons): I have no idea what might have caused it but I checked the data that it asked me to send for analysis of the error and it stated it was a Dump Crash. What might be the cause is I added trusted applications using their shortcuts from the desktop, not sure, am I suppose to go to the applications main folder in Program Files to use the shortcuts their? It shouldn’t make a difference should it?

Files appended

  1. Screenshots illustrating the bug: I have uploaded a screenshot.

  2. Screenshots of related event logs or the active processes list: Not yet.

  3. A CIS config. report or file: I uploaded a screenshot thats all.

  4. Crash or freeze dump file: Not applicable

Your set-up

  1. CIS version, AV database version & configuration used: Comodo Internet Security 2011, 32 bit.

  2. Whether you imported a configuration, or updated (without uninstall), if so from what version: I updated without uninstalation of previous version.

  3. Defense+ and Sandbox OR Firewall security level: Defenseplus=Safe, Firewall=Safe, Sandbox=enabled

  4. OS version, service pack, bits, UAC setting, & account type: Windows XP, SP2, 32 bit, N/A, User account.

  5. Other security and utility software running: teamspeak 3

  6. Virtual machine used: Not applicable

[attachment deleted by admin]

Thanks for you report. Please see the below regarding how to post a bug. In this case we will need a CIS crash dump as well as the rest of the standard information. The red text in the standard format is a link which will tell you where to find it.

Best wishes


We would very much appreciate it if you would edit your first post to create an issue report in line with the bug forum guidelines and format here. You can copy and paste the format from this topic.

To understand the reasons why we ask you to follow these guidelines please see below.

Bugs/issues can be impossible or very time consuming to fix if developers don’t have enough information to reproduce them. Since CIS is free, development time is limited. So if you want your issue fixed, please use the format below to describe it.

To avoid clutter, issues not described in the format below your post will not be moved to the ‘moderator verified’ issues topic. This means that the developers may not look at it.

Best wishes and many thanks in anticipation


We would very much appreciate it if you would edit your first post to create an issue report in line with the bug forum guidelines and format here. You can copy and paste the format from this topic.

Thank you very much for putting this in standard format - we really appreciate it.

For this kind of error a crash dump file is essential - unfortunately the devs won’t be able to fix the problem without it.

Given the message you received there will be a dump file at a known location on your disk - just zip it up and append it. Where to find it is stated here.

Many thanks in anticipation


Sent PM reminder

To devs.

This report does not have a crash dump appended, but it looks like CIS managed to send one, so it may be possible for you to pick it up. Also the user has managed to acpture a screenshot of the error message which may allow you to track this down.

Accordingly I am forwarding to verified.

Best wishes
