Crash Dump error
The bug/issue
What you did: Applied the Installer over the previous installation, The first time I installed it, it didn’t pop up but it did after the installation and during the attempt to do a fresh installation of it.
What actually happened or you actually saw: I would launch a program on my desktop or just be chatting with friends on teamspeak 3 and this would pop up = cmdinstall.exe - Entry Point Not Found (X) The procedure entry point IsTreadDesktopComposited could not be located in the dynamic link library USER32.dll.
What you expected to happen or see: I expected no errors.
How you tried to fix it & what happened: I tried to uninstall it and do a fresh install rather than install over the previous version.
Details (exact version) of any software involved with download link: Comodo Internet Security 2011,
Any other information (eg your guess regarding the cause, with reasons): I have no idea what might have caused it but I checked the data that it asked me to send for analysis of the error and it stated it was a Dump Crash. What might be the cause is I added trusted applications using their shortcuts from the desktop, not sure, am I suppose to go to the applications main folder in Program Files to use the shortcuts their? It shouldn’t make a difference should it?
Files appended
Screenshots illustrating the bug: I have uploaded a screenshot.
Screenshots of related event logs or the active processes list: Not yet.
A CIS config. report or file: I uploaded a screenshot thats all.
Crash or freeze dump file: Not applicable
Your set-up
CIS version, AV database version & configuration used: Comodo Internet Security 2011, 32 bit.
Whether you imported a configuration, or updated (without uninstall), if so from what version: I updated without uninstalation of previous version.
Defense+ and Sandbox OR Firewall security level: Defenseplus=Safe, Firewall=Safe, Sandbox=enabled
OS version, service pack, bits, UAC setting, & account type: Windows XP, SP2, 32 bit, N/A, User account.
Other security and utility software running: teamspeak 3
Virtual machine used: Not applicable
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