Source/Destination,In/Out = two rule (in and out rule)
(In rule) Source:any (Local) Destination:server IP (remote) <-correct???
(Out rule) Source:any (Local) Destination:server IP (remote)
I was long term user of Tiny->Kerio->Sunbelt PFW.
I agree the concept Local - Remote In/Out/Both is more logical consistent
than Source/Destination one.
If any to any, does not matter.
If not, Houston has a problem.
Edit: I would suggest ranaming tabs in rule dialog
Source , Destionation TO Remote, Local for Incoming rules
Source , Destionation TO Local, Remote for Outgoing rules
Source , Destionation TO one of above, which is valid for Bidirectional rules
In fact, I do not use any In/Out BUT any to any, otherwise I would report it before myself.