Context menu and file drop scans not working[V6]

When you right-click on a file or folder in the context menu Scan Antivirus COMODO, check does not work. Dragging a file to the program window does not work. It is also not isolate files SandBox dragging on the window. Windows system 7x32. CIS 6.0.264710.2708. Accomplish your goal as you.

The same problem … Win Xp …

Can not confirm on my system (spec are below); works fine here.

Windows XP sp3 with the latest updates and drivers only - installation, reboot, update,- worked …after next restart no longer…two time tryin…

Context menu scans work fine in Win 7 64 bit I’ll have to try it now on my older XP SP3 32 bit machine.

Works fine in XP as well and also in Vista 32 bit.

Thank you very much for your issue report.

We would very much appreciate it if you would be kind enough to edit your report to put it in the standard format and add any additional information requested, as this will make it much easier for the developers to diagnose and fix the problem.

The reasons we need all the information in the format, though they may not seem directly relevant to the issue are explained here.

If you are able to do this we will forward this post to the format verified board, where it is more likely to get looked at by developers. You can find assistance using red links in the format and here. If you need further help please ask a mod. If you do not add the information after a day or two we will forward this post to the non-format board. If this happens we will tell you how to rectify this if you wish to.

In the current process we will normally leave it up to you whether you want to make a report in standard format or not. However we may remind you if we think a bug of particular importance.

Many thanks again


After the report is done, could the person that was able to replicate the bug check for similarities with their set-up. Looks like it’s present on some machines only.

PM reminder sent to original poster. Happy for anyone else to supply bug report instead.

Best wishes


Unfortunately I do not quite understand English. Of written instructions did not understand unfortunately. Zashol a problem with the Russian forum, because there are none of the moderators does not monitor the correspondence. Why not track Russian Mission Russian forum.

That’s fine, don’t worry. We’ll ask Norton969

Best wishes


PM sent

Norton declined, moving to non-format


Thanks very much for your issue report, which is much appreciated.

We have moved it to the non-format bugs board for the moment, because it is not in the standard format or too much of the information we normally need to replicate a problem and fix it is still missing.

We realize some people may not have the time to do an issue report in standard format, and therefore offer the option of a non-format report instead. But the problem is much more likely to be fixed promptly if you edit your first post to create an issue report which reflects the guidance in the Standard Format topic. (You can copy and paste the format from this topic). The reasons we ask for the information we do are given in this post.

You can get your report moved to the format verified issues board simply by ensuring that it reflects the guidance in the standard format topic, and PM’ing a mod who is active on the bug board.

Best wishes


I have the similar problem. Context menu scan does not work in Xplorer2 and Free Commander file managers. In Windows Explorer everything is OK. Dragging a file or folder working. ???

Can you please create a report for this in standard format? Only reports in the standard format, with all required information attached, can be forwarded to the developers.


Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version (version 6.2.282872.2847)? Please let us know whether it is fixed or you are still experiencing the problem.

Also, note that all bug reports in the Non-Format section of the forum, which is where this report currently is, are not looked at by the devs. Thus, if the bug you were experiencing is still not fixed please edit your first post so that it is in the correct format (found here, with all required attachments, so I can forward this to the devs and get this problem fixed.

Thank you. PM sent.

Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version (version 6.3.294583.2937)? Please let us know whether it is fixed or you are still experiencing the problem.

Also, note that all bug reports in the Non-Format section of the forum, which is where this report currently is, are mainly not looked at by the devs. Thus, if the bug you were experiencing is still not fixed please edit your first post so that it is in the correct format (found here, with all required attachments), so I can forward this to the devs and get this problem fixed.

Thank you.

PM sent.

Can you please check and see if this is fixed with the newest version (7.0.313494.4115)? Please respond to this topic letting us know whether it is fixed or if you are still experiencing the problem.

Also, note that all bug reports in the Non-Format section of the forum, which is where this report currently is, are mainly not looked at by the devs. Thus, if the bug you were experiencing is still not fixed please edit your first post so that it is in the correct format (found here, with all required attachments), so I can forward this to the devs and get this problem fixed.

Thank you.

PM sent.

As this has been in the Non Format Verified Board for at least three major version releases, without enough information to forward to the devs, I will move this report to the Outdated section.

If you are still experiencing this issue, and would like this to be forwarded to the devs, please edit your first post so that it is in the required format, and has all required files attached. After this please reply to this post, and send me a PM with a link to this report.

Thank you.