consultation on updating comodo firewall free


in my windows 7 I have installed Comodo Firewall free, it goes installing small updates without problems, but recently I downloaded the latest version to install on a laptop and I see that the interface is completely new, not in the version I have installed on my windows 7 that remains unchanged despite updates.

My question is does the firewall automatically updates to new versions of the program or they must be downloaded and manually installed the new version?

Thank you.

For those users still running version 5 there is no auto-update to V6. It is necessary to manually install the new version. I’m not sure why no auto-update has been issued, but none has.

Hi jony127,
Just to add to Chirons reply,

Ok thanks, but at least the program should be notified that a new version of the application to download.

Agreed. I’m really not sure why that was not done.

This page hasn’t been updated since November 2012 (!)

Hi yarok,
Below is an updated page. :slight_smile:
Version 6.3.302093.2976-Release Notes

Many thanks.