Hello, recently install BoClean and i am very satisfied with it.One think i like most is the option it has to Hide alerts / and Auto clean the threts…I want to make my comodo Security works like this too.Showing me no allerts or tray icon but autocleaning my mashine…Where in configuration i do that?
Hi & welcome to the forum.
You mean that you want Comodo Internet Security to do the same? There are some settings for the antivirus, see the attached screen shot.
You can enable “Automatically quaratine threats found during scanning” and you can disable “Show alerts/notifications messages”.
[attachment deleted by admin]
I have 2 more questions to ask :
1.How i make items in guarantine Auto delete (kinda boring checking every day and manualy delete them)
2.In setings ==> Logging i have disable the antivirus/firewall logging files cause i don’t need it.But the remaing log files remain on my PC?if yes where i can delete this log files?
This is not possible at the time. But you shouldn’t get that many things in the quarantine, unless you’re in a VERY exposed environment!
Don’t know right now, I may check later but for the moment I’m short on time! I’ll be back!
Why would you desire Auto Delete quarantined items (haven’t heard about False Positives)?
You could wipe out much needed (safe/clean) files before you realized it.
Well i wanna know in case i ever need it^^Its also usefull for people that messed up on manualy remove virus like my sister,i want to make her pc full “Auto”
please re-read my previous post. It still applies.
This is a crashed computer waiting to happen.
Beter crashed from false positive items than crashed by viruses
click on firewall events → click on more → click on file → click on clear → click on all…
I’m not always so sure… >:-D
CIS will prevent a crash by viruses, but can’t defend against a user deleting a FP.
Thanks all ^^