Comodo Search powered by Yahoo in Google Chrome

Hi everybody.
I hope this is the right category for the topic.
The problem I have concerns the Google Chrome Browser and the Comodo Search (?!) that takes over when I enter a webpage that is not correct or existant.
The attached screenshot illustrates what the result is.
I tried to ask one of the geek buddies what was up with that and was rejected quite frankly…
How can I get rid of it? This is pretty annoying and I don’t want to see that anymore. And how was it installed in the first place?
Thanks for your help.
the cisnoob

EDIT: Ok, I’ve seen that there is an agreement between Comodo and Yahoo, and obviously I didn’t opt out of it. But how can I undo my mistake? And is this even part of the deal?

[attachment deleted by admin]

You’re seeing that page because you subscribed to Comodo DNS when you installed CIS. You need to reset your DNS settings:

Thank you!
That was exactly what I was looking for. :-TU
