Comodo request cloudflare IPs

A. THE ISSUE (Varies from issue to issue)
[ol]- Summary - Give a clear summary in the topic subject, NOT here.

  • Can U reproduce the problem & if so how reliably?:

  • If U can, exact steps to reproduce. If not, exactly what U did & what happened:
    1:Do to update virus database?

  • If not obvious, what U expected to happen:
    cmdupd.exe make request to the addresses CloudFlare and other, but previously occurred COMODO IP addresses.
    Thus it is impossible to monitor firewall activity by IP. I think it is not good for security software application, because it is impossible to establish exactly what doing process and restrict IP to trusted IP only.

  • If a software compatibility problem have U tried the conflict FAQ?:

  • Any software except CIS/OS involved? If so - name, & exact version:

  • Any other information, eg your guess at the cause, how U tried to fix it etc:

[ol]- Exact CIS version & configuration:
CIS 7.0.313494.4115

  • Modules enabled & level. D+/HIPS, Autosandbox/BBlocker, Firewall, & AV:
    D+ safe mode, sandbox - disabled, firewall - user rules mode, AV - scan on access
  • Have U made any other changes to the default config? (egs here.):
    yes, but not related to issue (it seems)
  • Have U updated (without uninstall) from CIS 5 or CIS6?:
    [li]if so, have U tried a a clean reinstall - if not please do?:
    [/li]- Have U imported a config from a previous version of CIS:
    [li]if so, have U tried a standard config - if not please do:
    No, but not related to issue (it seems)
    [/li]- OS version, SP, 32/64 bit, UAC setting, account type, V.Machine used:
    Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Version 6.1.7600. No VM
  • Other security/s’box software a) currently installed b) installed since OS, including initial trial security software included with system:
    a=no b=no

[attachment deleted by admin]

I’m not sure why this has been changed. However, this is certainly not a bug with the software. It seems to be a choice made by Comodo.

What I would advise doing is to start a new topic asking why this has happened. this section of the forum would probably be a good place.

However, I will have to move this to Resolved as it is not a bug with the software.

Thank you.

Did not understand what do I do.

Create a new topic and ask why the IP addresses were changed.

I am interested in solving the problem, but not interested why COMODO would use Cloudflare CDN.

Maybe I need to write Wishlist?

Perhaps I am not fully understanding. So that I can better direct you where to post this please explain once again why this is a problem? Please provide me with example situations.


My software is restricted by a firewall.
For each programme highlighted a valid IP address list.
CIS refers to untrusted IP addresses at any time.
I can’t control this activity from the admissibility point of view.
I can not control also some other programs, but they turn to CDN or unknown IP only in the certain moments of time the relevant I launch application or my other actions.

I’m not sure about this. I would strongly advise creating a topic and inquiring about this in the HELP section of the forum. This is certainly not a bug with the software, and unless I knew for sure it could not be worked around, I don’t think it would qualify for the Wishlist either.

Thus, please create a new post in the HELP section, and if it appears that this cannot be worked around, create a new Wish Request topic for it. Let’s approach this issue in that way.


Could it perhaps be the result of the internal changes mentioned in the quote below?