Comodo IS + Other Security vendor ?

Is there a security program that is very compatible with Comodo and there is proof it wont conflict ?

Because some extra protection is always good.

Immunet Free is suppose to be compatible with other security programs , but i tested it in a Virtual Machine against malware , and Comodo doesnt let Immunet Free give popups , instead Comodo gives popups that it found malware in the Immunet Free folders.

What actually Immunet Free found.

I also excluded Comodo in Immunet and vice versa.

Depends on what ‘sector’ are you refering to, there are many products out there, but you must understand there should be only 1 HIPS/AV/BB/Real-Time type of product running or as you found out there will be conflicts

Hope this helps

Well yea , but it says its compatible with other antimalware programs.

But u have a point , just dont get why they say that then , that it is compatible.

It? Refering to Immunet?
Malware is basically Categorical term, Sub Catergories would be Anti- Virus/Spyware/Keylogger/Montior or HIPS/BB/Realtime…

From what i read, Immunet is a HIPS based products thus You’ll need to disable D+(Possibly Permantely) inorder to make it compatible.

Hope this helps

no , Immunet is no HIPS , it is a cloud based Antivirus program ,it also uses heuristiscs, u can also implement a offline engine ( ClamAv )

but i choose for only the cloud component.

but yea , i guess i will stick to only Comodo , maybe if i’ll see a compatible program ill add it too my security.

Immunet free is only a cloud-based anti-malware product.

I believe you should be fine with using it. Just add it’s files to the exclusions for CAV. Possibly also add the immunet folders to the Defense+ exclusions if it becomes necessary.

That said, I don’t think you should need it with CIS installed.

I know , but some extra is always good , if its light on RAM that is.

And Immunet is light.

It uses heuristics too , u don’t think that conflicts with Comodo ?

And Comodo is using Cloud protection too , no conflict ?

And if it conflicts , how i know ?

Can there also be a conflict that i dont see but is there and decreasing my protection ?