Comodo Internet Security v4

Where can I download Comodo Internet Security v4 for testing? ???

it is not yet publicly available, they are still working on adding different modules and such.

But you had the download in a review of Comodo.

In his video you also heard him saying that because he is a moderator he gets a pre-public release of software. Being a mod has it’s perks. :wink:

This release is for the mods only.

What about “it will be released on Christmas as a present” or did they mean 2010

it looks like Santa’s site is down for maintenance. :-X

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i can’t wait for it

Why not all wait for a workable beta version. !ot!

when i wait for v4 time goes slowly

What, one year wasn’t enough?

Santa Claus website is still down. So I guess I’ll remove that sock from the chimney… :cry:

I also can not wait for the

Methinks it was Christmas 2010. :frowning:

Guy’s can you please stay in this post here:

This leads to duplicates…

maybe :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Please post your comments in .

One question: what is each topic for?

And if they both discuss the same things, shouldn’t they be merged?

Merging is a possibility. First we will see if people voluntarily move to the other topic when we mention it.