Comodo Internet Security v10.0.2.6396 Released

I successfully updated on Win 7 SP1 x64.

I like the option to send crash reports to Comodo and that it gives you the option to send it or not. :-TU

Yes, but I don’t like that it keeps asking even if you said “no”…

For same crash case?

I had the previous version installed and I downloaded the online installer of
Once run, it uninstalled the old version and asked for a reboot.
After the reboot, the installation process didn’t continue, so I downloaded the offline installer and run it.
Once successfully finished, I got the prompt to send the crash report, which belonged to the failed installation by online installed. And it prompted me again even if I said “no”

It’s ridiculous that I have manually reinstall the whole thing just to get the newest version. Again! Why this software even has update functionality when I can’t use it?

Restarted my PC and audio service stopped again. Clicked on “troubleshoot” and PC froze completely. After restart audio service is running, but radeonsettings.exe is not. I’m giving up. This is worse than beta version. Will wait for more stable release. Sorry.

Check what they wrote:

If you want to use the internal update, just wait for a while.
If you want to upgrade now, you have to uninstall the old version and then manually install the new one

Doesnt update from program updates. Manual installation only?
Would be nice to add more themes for virtual desktop. In dark shades preferably, Arcadia is cool, but too bright, as for me.

the new release still stucks wsl
as i mentioned here

Hi, 23. Thank you for this information. We are checking provided logs and let you know results as soon as possible.

Kind Regards,

Hi Zee64,
I have mentioned in release notes:


The BSOD, probably a debut in 1709 itself, will be replaced by 1703

Can you please upload dump and share link so we can see the reason behind it if related to CIS or not?

Delete 1709

Please look up one and three posts and see your question answered. It was also mentioned in the change log in the topic start.

It is a common practice that Comodo first publishes the installer several days before it puts it on the program updater.

AtZee64 andsanmatross. Next time please do not immediately shoot from the hip. Your rude behavior is not quite appreciated.

Can you create a new topic in the bug board section and post it in the required format so it can be forwarded to the developers? Thanks.

What browsers are supported by website filtering module?

The crash log will still be there in the Windows Old folder unless you did a clean installation of Windows 10.

We have tested in all major browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE, Opera

I think the problem is with 1709