COMODO Internet Security 8 vs Malware Tests

Hi egemen, please enable back, I always used this option enabled and never had any problems, just helped …

IMHO it should be enabled cause today PUPs are numerous and annoying.
Plus, you would also score higher in various tests.

@Siketa +1
Hence CCE should get cleaning capabilities to remove all this kind of adware and browser hijackers (AdwCleaner is a good example).

Yes please enable back. Make it optional so… voila problem solve :-TU

+1. :-TU
Detection of PUAs/PUPs is disabled by default, why?

I didn’t get too much from the video. But as I see you infested the PC with some malware(or similar tools) and CIS couldn’t clean it I guess. Sandbox is not for cleaning malware but protecting your PC. So a better test is would you be able to infest the computer realistically?

Lets say you are infested with malware though. There are a few things interesting, for example, malware could keylog right? Try using virtual desktop and see it can still keylog. This is a heavily infested system so use your other things in your asenal coming with CIS such as :

1 -Killswitch to Kill all unknown apps also switch to HIPS and proactive mode and see what happens.
2 - Use CCE
3 - Use Geekbuddy if you cant clean yourself

I agree to you egemen on the first 2 but the third one is a ■■■■.
GeekBuddy service is not tasty. I call them one day just want to test them. Only thing they do is installing Comodo product to my machine. You should improve the this service. If you look into forum Geekbuddy section, you will see what I talking about.

So if a user wants to use CIS he needs to format his HDD so he install CIS on a clean machine? Otherwise he will not be protected because CIS is not safe enough to deal with a non clean installation?

WTF Melih?

where did anyone say that you have to format your HDD

He’s speaking hypothetically. It’s ridiculus for a security program to assume that all files on your system are safe. And that CIS, as stated before should be installed on a CLEAN machine.

CIS focus has always been on preventing infection in the first place but:

May be that is why SD Ahmad was anxiously not updating the AV in his test.

CIS has tricks up its sleeve when it comes to dealing with malware as egemen already stated. A trick not mentioned is Block all unknown requests if the application is closed.

Hi Egemen!

Some thoughts about CIS 8 and the malware.

Frankly, never had I liked the sandbox option for version 6 and 7 and always I have ended turning off this option.
Now, I have found easier to understand the sandbox option and now I like it too much.
I thought that finally I have found the perfect product protection for my PC.

So I’m going to test real malware on my PC, but first I have tested the matousec leaktest executables to see if I’m enough safe or no for test real malware.

Which was my surprise to found that this version 8 is less secure that version 7.
By example, the executable SSS3.exe fully virtualized was able to shut down my computer.
And two leaktest (Newclass.exe and dnstester.exe) that with the version 7 cannot access to internet, they can access to internet with CIS 8 (I think that this version have some bugs yet).

I have opened the corresponding report bug about it:

So, from my point of view, this is 2 step back on security and for me, the most important key on the product should be the firewall (off course, it is bad if the malware can infect your PC, but is very bad or worst if the malware can infected your PC and connect through internet with someone for hack your PC).

Please, I ‘m asking to you and the developers to do a little more effort with the firewall layer.

I hope to see soon this bugs fixed.

Comodo forever for his wonderful product!

LOL. You don’t test real malware on your main machine. You either do it on a separate test computer or in a virtual environment. In fact I’d recommend using a test machines with a virtual machine on it and then test malware. Of course you need good VPN as well so that hackers don’t find out your IP and target your computer.

slickr I guess You have no idea of what is a real vulnerability test…

Good advice Slickr.
Anyway, my complaint is about that comodo did good product but seems that they trust more on the other layers and leave the firewall layer in a second plane and for me should be to have the most high priority.

COMODO IS 2015 Review
Video : - YouTube

WTF is that? That is a terrible review if you can even call it that.

Here is a proper results from me, this was with the first 8 version, I did not follow up with the update where they supposedly fixed the sandbox issues when running malware already on the system. I’ll include several others for reference.

Avast free antivirus 2015 Detection: 98% 473/478 Proactive: 5/5
Avira antivirus free 2015 Detection: 76% 365/478 Proactive: 1/5
Comodo 8 free Detection: 66% 316/478 Proactive: 0/5
Bitefender internet security 2015 100% 478/478 Proactive: 5/5
Hitmanpro Detection: 99.9% 475/478
Malwarebytes Detection: 71% 341/478

Wow… that was terrible. Could he be any more annoying? And was he upset for realsies? :-X

[b]COMODO IS 2015 Review[/b] Video :
Yes, it's terrible... but terribly completely different: 1. The test was conducted on not genuine copy of Windows Vista; 2. The present security problems in the system; 3. there are security problems in the Comodo; Apparently, the test was conducted at HIPS is OFF. I think it's enough to not take the test seriously.
I can introduce to you more scare >:-D video, how simple winlock bypassing all layers of Comodo security by one click. Comodo settings are shown in video too. All modules are in high-level security. [i](tested on genuine copy of Windows XP SP3 updated to the end, installed on VirtualBox; CIS8.1 also updated and working properly)[/i] Video: