COMODO Internet Security is released!

Thanks for your reply! I have CIS 7 Pro so I think the update to CIS 8 Pro will be fine. Thanks again!

Since when, exactly, is CDBurnerXP a malware? CIS keeps terminating the installer!

it is bundled with OpenCandy adware.

I downloaded installer without it.

The portable version is malware free.

If you are seeing an alert, please post it. Or say whether it is a viruscope alert please.

I attempted to install Comodo Firewall v8.0.0.4337 five (5) times without success. I am using several other security applications (Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2015, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, UnHackMe and KeyScrambler Premium), all of which co-exist peacefully with v7.0.

All of the other security programs were disabled when attempting the upgrade to Comodo Firewall v8.0. Each time, the CIS installer would terminate at 99% with “Error: Cannot install COMODO Firewall. Error 1603: Fatal error during installation.” These were attempts to upgrade from Comodo Firewall v7.0.317799.4142. With each upgrade attempt, I uninstalled v7.0 using Your Uninstaller, then rebooted into Safe Mode and invoked both special CIS removal tools (for Windows 7). Additionally, I followed all of the published instructions for advanced troubleshooting of installation issues, to no avail. I have since reinstalled v7.0.317799.4142 until v8.0 becomes available via the firewall’s native updater.

Very sorry you are having this problem. Please submit a bug report in standard format in the bugs board.

Kind regards


When I visited the Bug Board (and child forums), it states that bug reports are being accepted only for CIS versions 6 and 7. Where should I submit a report for v8.0?

Sorry that was out of date. I have updated it.

This isn’t anything new, I had this installing mess several times with 6, and 7… The only thing I was able to get the thing to install, after manually removing everything I could find, was to extract the “MSI” stand alone installer myself for my system (x64 installer) and run that by itself, without any of the added ■■■■ you have to uncheck or custom install.

That’s why I’m waiting for this thing to show up as a update and let it go that way.

I agree: From version 5 on, I have had to make sure that I install Kaspersky Anti-Virus first, then Comodo Firewall second, to avoid installation conflicts. The only way I think I might be able to install Comodo Firewall v8.0 is to remove all Comodo files – including Comodo Dragon – and manually scrub the registry. But, after five attempts, I’m willing to let v7.0 remain on my system for the time being.

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Please report this as an AV false positive under AV help.

Many thanks


Should I file a bug report for programs that don’t work when CIS 8 is set to “Enhanced protection mode”?

Yes please. Please ensure you append a Killswitch screenshot showing all processes including the affected program running, if it will or otherwise your D+ logs.

Ok, I created a bug report, also the “Required Format For Reporting Bugs” page says that bugs for v6 and 7 are only allowed.

When you run unknown program in Autosandbox you get popup where you can set to run without Sandbox next time. If you check Autosandbox you can see ignore rule for this program with Ignore action.

Think somebody already asked if these files are trusted after that or does this ignore rule overrides unknown status but haven’t seen answer to that question.

I had few .bat files (work related programs starting from command prompt) that were set to Ignore in Autosandbox and decided to reset Autosandbox to default. After reset all my rules were removed and only default ones are left there. I checked trusted files list and found these .bat files on the list. They are starting as trusted.

So, is there need for this doubling od rules (ignore rule in Sandbox and moving to trusted files)? Is this intended behavior? Any downsides in clearing this Autosandbox list?

OK, this is ridiculous. Now Subtitle Edit is being flagged as malware and therefore can’t install it. What is wrong with Comodo lately? I had to mark dozens of “unknown” files, because CIS didn’t recognized them, even if they were digitally signed.

[attachment deleted by admin]

I am sorry you are having this problem.

Please report the AV problem as a false positive in the AV false positive Board

If you have digitally signed files from vendors on the Trusted Vendor List being marked unknown, please report this as a bug, in the bugs board, using the standard format.

Please append a screenshot of the signature tab from the file properties dialog, and the file itself in zipped form.

Kind regards
