This is the version that was realeased so people in v4 could autmotically update to CIS 5,
nothing new here, only comodo DNS is now opt-out instead of opt-in.
This is also the version you will now get if you download through the proper channels.
Thanks for the head up about this still using Comodo FW v5.0.162636.1135 ;D
auto update nothing .; zz
I have version 5.0.163652.1142 ??? ??? Great confusion really ;D ;D :o
That’s because there’s really nothing to update…
Meanwhile, only today i notice, what version is 5.0.163652.1142
If there was nothing to update…
BTW (will post it in whishlist): for me, the auto update function is turned OFF. I’m updating CIS manually from time-to-time (or on official release, posted here). I can’t remember, when CIS was updated last time. So, it would be nice to have some info (in a log viewer for example) on when there was last update. Updater Events?
It was only a change to the installer that would allow version 4 users to update to version 5, and SecureDNS is enabled by default.
If you’re still running 5.xxxx.1135, you’re fine.