COMODO Internet Security 5.0.32580.1142 Released!

This is the version that was realeased so people in v4 could autmotically update to CIS 5,
nothing new here, only comodo DNS is now opt-out instead of opt-in.

This is also the version you will now get if you download through the proper channels.

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Thanks for the head up about this still using Comodo FW v5.0.162636.1135 ;D

auto update nothing .; zz

I have version 5.0.163652.1142 ??? ??? Great confusion really ;D :smiley: ;D :o

That’s because there’s really nothing to update…

Meanwhile, only today i notice, what version is 5.0.163652.1142

If there was nothing to update…

BTW (will post it in whishlist): for me, the auto update function is turned OFF. I’m updating CIS manually from time-to-time (or on official release, posted here). I can’t remember, when CIS was updated last time. So, it would be nice to have some info (in a log viewer for example) on when there was last update. Updater Events?

It was only a change to the installer that would allow version 4 users to update to version 5, and SecureDNS is enabled by default.

If you’re still running 5.xxxx.1135, you’re fine.