Comodo Internet Security 2024 v12.3.2.8124 BETA

Another problem, I’m finding that I haven’t had new antivirus updates for 19 hours, is this normal?


Look at the Virust total results. Everyone thinks its ok, because its a remote access tool.

If you look at what CIS told you is that this could be an “unwanted application”…meaning a Grey software because its a remote desktop tool.

so both CIS and Valkyrie were spot on. Valkyrie analyzed and found this to be a legitimate file, like everyone else…but CIS gave an extra warning to you just in case by saying this could be a potentially unwanted app (if its being installed by others etc)…

similar warning to what rustdesk does.

The issue here is the understanding that not everying is virus or not, there are legitimate applications that under certain scenerio could be dangerous in the wrong hands. Thats why CIS alerted you!


I understand your argument, but if the CIS is connected to VALKYRIE he should let it go.

Since it’s the same database, that’s what I’m questioning because it’s having different results, the CIS says one thing and Valkyrie says another, that’s why I didn’t understand and came looking for you so you could explain it to me, which until now I haven’t they spoke because one says one thing and the other says something else.

since it is the same database.

I had to use Kaspersky to resolve this issue.

CIS did the right thing because it was an attack on the system. Valkyrie does not know who placed it on the machine, an intruder or the user.

But Valkyrie has a database where the CIS takes it from her, how and what all this has been happening can happen, the CIS detects that it is malicious but Valkyrie doesn’t say that the file is clean, I can’t understand it until now

I think that until now no one has a database connected. that is a failure.

The other day I uninstalled CIS 12…8012 and today I installed CIS 12…8124. Less than an hour later, the number of so-called attacks reached 1600+ (at the time of the screenshot it was 1200+). And all this confusion comes from the reaction of TaskMgr to CmdAgent of CIS. Is it normal? In the File Rating’s File List, CmdAgent is marked as trusted, as is TaskMgr. How can I stop this invasion? While I was writing, the number of intrusions had already exceeded 1900. Help, I’m drowning!
CIS-mode - Proactive Security. HIPS in Safe-mode.

CIS said Potentially Unwanted, it didn’t say its Malicious.

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for me Potentially Unwanted and Malicious are the same, antiviruses like Kaspersky and ESET already block this automatically. There is no doubt between CIS and Valkyrie IN DOUBTS, one says something and the other says something that I don’t understand. So far no one has explained it to me in the post I made above on the subject, I believe no one will explain just what happened.

Potentially unwanted is not equivalent to malicious. For example, any remote control application (you won’t deny that they exist and are needed in many cases), and there are many other useful programs that can become harmful in the wrong hands.

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Where do you see that he is saying that it is Potentially Unwanted not to be able to see in this image.

Take a closer look at the word underlined in red in the picture.

Friend, you’ve been reading the posts I’ve been posting, because Valkyrie has been saying it’s clean, and the CIS says it’s dangerous, I’ve posted lots of images, I ask you to read all the ones I posted from the beginning, there are several images that my CIS says are viruses. and the valkyrie says it’s clean
I want to know why this is?

Even taking a look at the image, I want to know why Valkyrie says it is clean and the CIS blocks it if the two have the same base?

Forget it, you are too suspicious. This happens in life. You ask too many empty questions, this is a flood.


It’s not a flood, I want an answer but no one says what it really is.

I just answered your question - “why don’t I see in the picture that this is a potentially unwanted element.” The rest goes to Melikh and other specialists. You are fussing and doing nonsense in vain. Don’t panic, brother, it’s not as bad as you think… :slight_smile:


THANK YOU friend, for enlightening me on the subject, I was really afraid that I was being invaded by some program, and the CIS is leaving it.

But people have to check why this is happening. Valkyrie says one thing and cis says something else.

we answered it above. (multiple times).


Guys, there should be no reason for it to be unknown on Comodo KillSwitch


Since the file is said to be CLEAN by Verdict

Could anyone tell me why CIS KillSwitch still reports that it is unknown?

File Name: urbanvpnserv.exe

File Type: PE32+ executable (console) x86-64, for MS Windows

SHA1: 14823ee26f2e273c941d335ba905420a21650cc7

MD5: 8991aea507a67a9d0953bd9e9eaf2283

Because CIS has not yet entered it into the database. If you know the program, then switch it to trustworthy. :face_with_peeking_eye: