Comodo Internet Security 2019 (v12.0.0.6810) – Released

looking for download of offline as this version slows down my pc and spikes service interrupts that slows down everything. With it uninstalled the pc is fast and stable.

Can anyone help with download location

I am running this latest version with Firewall installed only on Windows 10 64, build version 1803. It is a clean install of Comodo Firewall.

Today, I checked Windows Task Scheduler.
There are 6 entries in Comodo folder, I suppose this is fine.

When I click on Task Scheduler Library, it shows 1 Comodo entry that is not in Comodo folder. The entry’s name is in random numbers, Author is Comodo, Staus is Ready and Last Scan Result has “The system cannot find the file specified.”

When I select the entry and check “Actions” below, it mention cistray.exe

Any info?

Hi, thanks for report.
6 entries in Comodo folder are OK.
As for other Comodo entry - it is task from previous CIS version, which was not removed during upgrade (I assume you’ve performed overinstall)
We will fix it in next version, it doesn’t affect protection and system stability.

Thanks a lot @23 , now I’m running perfectly again.

I mentioned in my post that it is a clean install of Comodo Firewall. It may be previous version uninstall didn’t remove the entry.

I can delete the entry, right?

Yes, you can.
You are wright, old entry was not removed by uninstaller (reinstall and overinstall works almost the same).

Does anyone know which component causes the freezing of opening new programs, task mgr, shutting down, etc.? I like v12, and want to keep using it, but want to disable the offending component until the issue is resolved.

It is not a component issue but more of a problem within the drivers or the cmdagent service. Do you happen to have ISE and/or secure shopping installed? You can try to add the all applications file group to ‘don’t detect shellcode injections in these applications’ exclusion.

Now back on v11 the blocking is the same, but the log correctly logs the the exact blocked connection attempts. So for now if you are using v12 do not enable logging for any block rule for the firewall. I have submitted the bug to the mods tracker.

Yeah, I think ISE installs automatically. Is it problematic? I can try uninstalling it. In the mean time I will try the shellcode change. thanks

Yeah it might be the cause but in order to find out, you would need to uninstall ISE and reboot and check if issue persists. Then if issue is gone remove the shellcode exclusion and reboot again and continue to check if issue occurs again.

I have two PCs, which have almost the same hardware. I have only had the issue on one so far, but I do use it a lot more often. I have added the shellcode injection to the one I have been having the issue on. If the issue occurs on the 2nd machine, I will instead uninstall ISE on that machine.

Hi clocks,

Could you please send me via PM your exported configs from both machines (just mark them which is which)?

Hello CIS claims that it detected an unknown entry in the autostart but it is a software for my graphics card.
Could you delete this false alarm?
I was looking for this file on disk but it is not there.


    • The post was written using Google Translator.


If the file is not on disk you can delete the autostart.

Since almost a week Windows Security Center will not detect CIS in a timely fashion upon boot. I will get an alert but a little later the Windows Security Center will tell everything is hunky dory. I see no obvious reason why this has changed.

I found this file.
I was looking for him in the wrong place.

Did you find it in c:\Program Files(x86)\AMD AVT\Bin? It is part of AMD driver suite: AMD AVT - kdbsync.exe - Program Information .

Virus Total shows it is a clean file.