Comodo IceDragon ver. 16.1 is now available for download!!

congrats on the release! will try it out once i get home.


congrats guys!

…Yez’um Mammy Yokum - like,like,like…

Is there any way to change the default search engine?

I’ve done that but it still goes through Yahoo.

Try this, it worked for me

Thank you very much. :smiley:


When can we Start to translation and which Languages did you have

The Multi-language feature already exists in the browser. You can go to Tools->Options->General tab-> Select browser language and install the desired language pack.
Thank you.

Андрей Александр



thank you very much 88)

Can you post a Screenshot for it please

And which Languages did you have

Hi Mops21,

Here is a screenshot for how to change the Language settings in CID and there is approximately 64 different settings :-TU

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

[attachment deleted by admin]

thank you comodo nice web browser

Thank you very much for your Screenshot

Thx very much 4 this portable app! :slight_smile:

i consider use it IF it faster \ equal to waterfox :slight_smile:

10x comodo team :-TU

…if ya want a lot o people ta use yer browser, ya gotta do better with the amount of time ya let go by when there’s a new update for FF, ya let yer users be vulnerable, no wonder there’s barely any feedback in the forum…

Hi ultradolby1,
Quite the contrary, barely any feedback usually means barely any issues IMO.
It is normally only a matter of a few days difference which is very common for offshoots.
Any vulnerabilities that are rolled into CID will be being worked on.
Kind regards.