Comodo IceDragon ver. 13.0 is now available for download!!

We will analyze the possibility of supporting a 64 bit version. If it’s stable enough and if there is an increase in performance that can justify the effort of maintenance, yes it will be.
Thank you.

So I cannot run it on Win 7 64 Bits currently?

IceDragon, like most other browsers, is compiled on 32 bits and will run on all OS architectures. The 64 bit version would just increase compatibility with x64 operating systems, resulting in faster browsing.


Other then the features listed above, there were a lot of modification to the front-end, some specific functionality was removed like ‘Submit Information’, ‘Crash Report’, ‘Update module’, ‘Sync Data’ feature (until it will be replaced with Comodo Cloud Sync feature), our own update module was added, Mozilla snippets service was removed, import feature modified, ‘set default browser’ module was modified, these are the ones that come into my mind right now.

They can’t be used. From what I know, they aren’t publicly available.

The option will be added in the future releases.

If I run icedragon in CIS manual sanfbox no sound is heard on flash videos ie youtube! Win7 64 bit. When it’s a mature product I may drop opera which on my system is considerably slower on speedtest net than icedragon.

It would look nicer if the IceDragon Orb and the tabs lined up horizontally.

[attachment deleted by admin]

We are using our own installer and the compression level is different. We can increase the compression ratio but the installation will take a little bit longer ( the extracting phase to be more precise ). We need to find the balance between speed and size.

I apologize for posting here but at this time Bug Reports and Help for Comodo IceDragon are not available.

  1. Multiple clicks on the desktop link of Comodo IceDragon opens multiple windows. Clicking multiple times on the original Comodo Dragon only opens one window.

  2. This could be my problem and not CID. It occurs in both Comodo Dragon and Comodo IceDragon.
    The reason I say it could be my problem, is that I have had the Share Link (Facebook) unchecked in Comodo Dragon and never noticed it till now.

The only way it could have been missed, is IF all those that use or used Comodo Dragon never signed into Facebook nor used the Share (Facebook) link. Not impossible but very slim considering the number of users. Someone should have noticed it by now !

The Problem, when clicking on the Share Link you get the Sign In page for Facebook, when signing in the user is not taken to their main Facebook page but to a link to the main page that was open when they signed in.

I signed in with my Home Page and find reference to MSN portal,
then with and fined reference to Qnext
and finally with Comodo Forum open and find reference to the Comodo Forum Index.

What happened and where is the Users Facebook main screen ?

Attached are images of those 3

Thank you for your Help.

[attachment deleted by admin]

I see Bug reports section

but NO Post New Message or Reply

only Mark as Read and Notify

There has been some permission issues where General users haven’t been able to post there.
This is being looked into. Thanks.

I just realized my mistake :-[

The Share Link at the top of Comodo Dragon and Comodo Ice Dragon is not to take you to Facebook to see what your other buddies and friends have posted, But to allow you to easily post and share a link with them !

Sorry for expecting something different :-[ The link title said it all Share !


that happens if FireFox sometimes too

weird… yesterday and early this morning it wont check for updates.

01.07.2012 12:13:34 to 02.07.2012 11:14:55

then suddenly a message from George-Silviu Blendea for me to check a log file and on my own after opening the log file and checking the About IceDragon, it is working :-p

02.07.2012 11:15:01

%windir%Temp\ComodoLogsFolder icedragon_updater logfile

[01.07.2012 20:13:44:560|000092|LogState] Service has woken up version:
[01.07.2012 20:13:46:750|000144|LogState] Version ini file already checked
[01.07.2012 20:13:46:750|000144|LogState] Current version up to date!
[01.07.2012 20:13:46:790|000138|LogState] Update state value changed to: 0 (STATE_ALL_UP_TO_DATE)
[01.07.2012 20:13:46:800|000116|LogState] Service went to sleep version:
[01.07.2012 22:13:18:786|000084|LogState] Service stop version:

[02.07.2012 11:14:55:065|000130|LogState]
[02.07.2012 11:14:55:065|000092|LogState] Service has woken up version:
[02.07.2012 11:15:01:898|000485|CheckInternetConnection] CD Module >> .\WinHttp_Update_API.cpp ( 485 [at] CheckInternetConnection ) returned 12007
[02.07.2012 11:15:01:898|001010|DoServiceUpdateLoop] CD Module >> .\IceDragon_Update_API.cpp ( 1010 [at] DoServiceUpdateLoop ) returned 12007
[02.07.2012 11:15:01:914|000116|LogState] Service went to sleep version:

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit Service Pack 1

Other browsers with Trident means they use the built-in IE browser that’s part of all Windows computers. Trident engine is NOT open source, but Microsoft does provide a programming API for developers to use it for rendering. That’s how all other browsers have Trident rendering. And, of course, this is only available for Windows computers.

Other browsers can have Gecko rendering engine because it is open-source.

Other browsers can have WebKit rendering engine because it is open-source. That’s the rendering engine used for Chrome and Safari.

The last major engine is Presto rendering engine, which is only used by Opera browser. This is closed-source only, and there is no external API provided, so Opera is the only browser that can use it.

“Importing data from Mozilla Firefox is only available during the installation of Comodo IceDragon and may not work in some cases.”

No, it didn’t import data like bookmarks and passwords from FF. I did import bookmarks manually though with no problem. I have to enter passwords manually all over again, but then I often have to do that periodically on FF too. It really looks and acts a lot like FF. Is it supposed to me more secure than FF, say with online banking? I’m using it on a 32 and a 64 bit laptop. Both seem OK. Like FF, I like it a lot better than Comodo Dragon or Chrome. One little feature I like in those was “close all tabs to the right”. Is it possible to get that one on here (I suppose there’s probably a FF add on…)?

Does CID use the same profile information as Firefox if installed, similar to how Waterfox works?

CID creates a new profile which is separate from your Firefox install, so they don’t share but also don’t interfere.