Hey Folks,
I am new to the board and was wondering if my firewall is stopping communication with my dell v 305 printer. I get a pop up that states printer isn’t communicating with computer. Nothing pops up concerning the firewall asking if it’s a trusted application or not or what to do.
Did you just install CIS v4? You probably did not make your local network a trusted zone.
You can make your local network a trusted zone.
First look up your IP address and subnet mask. In Windows go to Start → Run → cmd → enter → ipconfig → enter → now lookup your IP address and subnet mask.
Second create a zone in My Network Zones (Firewall → Common Tasks). Choose Add → A New Network Zone → fill in a name like My local network → Apply. Now select My Local Network Zone → Add → A new address → choose An IP Address Mask → fill in your local IP something like 192.168.1.x usually and your subnet mask; usually → Apply. Now check and see the new network defined. Exit using Apply.
Now we are going to use the Stealth Ports Wizard to make your local network a trusted network (Firewall → Common Tasks):
Choose “Define a new trusted network and stealth my ports to EVERYONE else” → Next → choose “I would like to trust an existing My Network Zone” → choose your local network zone from the drop down box at the bottom → Finish.
Now check your Global Rules and see your network added.
Thank you …I will try this.