COMODO Failure explain/respond alleged suspicious file

I have sent 3 messages under the SUSPICIOUS files category of MISCELANEOUS without any acknowledgment, let alone reply.
Comodo warned me about CLOCKSMITHLITE, a program I have used for several years. Pursuant to the warning I uninstalled it and simoulantaneously requested details as to the suspicioius finding.

Not receiving any info I reinstalled. Once again came the same warning. I referred to Google where to my surprise was a message saying Comodo had issued a virus warning. Went to the program URL who in turn asked Comoo for details. That was a month ago, and no answer yet to that inquiry.

For the benefit of fellow forum members, and Comodo, there is a free service that analyzes suspicious files for virus detection: VIRUS TOTAL:>.

Their report covers 39 different programs from a-squared toVirobot and includes COMODO v 1338 2009.06.15
Clocksmithlite 0 viruses, and 0 for each of the other 38 programs.

I have a high opinion of Comodobut and cannot understand their silence, much less the basis for their virus allegation.

hi Roduke41

we do have a False Positive (FP) reporting section in the forum and these usually get dealt with within few hours.


Suspicious files category of MISCELLANEOUS it is likely only meant for submission there is no way to specify an email in the submission dialog to get a reply either…

Fast response are usually provided in False Positive/Negative reporting - (Is this a malware that CIS has/not detected?).

It is pretty much unclear if ClocksmithLite is still detected, if so to have a reply it would be as simple as compressing the files in a zip archive and attaching that to a topic in the above mentioned board along with mention of the detected names.

But this was obviously suggested to you a while ago when you posted about ClocksmithLite…

You can also make sure of:

to report any false-positive. You will get a response for false-positive submission done via web interface.
