Comodo does not load on system start up...

Hello… :slight_smile:
Today I installed Comodo Firewall
My licence status is type:Full and Validity: lifetime

I have used regseeker to clean my registry after installing Comodo.
My problem is that it does not start after rebooting. I have to start it manually. I uninstalled it and installed it again one time and it is doing the same.

Can you tell me how I will make it to load on start up?

Hello again…
Can anyone help me, please?..

Welcome to the forum.

You can check in start/run/ type msconfig, press enter, go to autostart tab, and check if the box is ticked in front of the firewall entry.

You should not clean registry after you have installed the firewall. Not for a while, and only if you do a backup of registry first.
Have you tried to uninstall, reboot, clean registry, install, reboot?

Always be careful with registry cleaners, because they often clean out more than they should… :o always do a backup of your registry before any cleaning. Never clean when your computer has been running for a while, only when just booted.

Hello and thank you for your answer! I hope to find a solution because I like Comodo and I wouldn’t like to uninstall it…

I have looked in the autostart tab as you said but Comodo is not there. I have Windows XP SP2 Greek. The tabs are:
-“Start up”

(I hope I am translating those in “” correct).

In the last tab (“Start up”), Comodo is not there as I said.
In the tab “Services” there is Comodo Application Agent only and it is checked.

When I start my PC, only cmdagent.exe is loading.
After I start Comodo manualy, then cpf.exe starts to run.

I dont remember now if I have uninstalled, rebooted, cleaned registry, installed, rebooted again in the exact order u write those, but I am sure that I uninstalled it, cleaned the registry (I always do after uninstalling), deleted set up.exe, donwloaded a fresh setup.exe, installed.

Should I do it in the order you say?

Thank you for the registry cleaning recomendations.
I need to clean the registry every time I uninstall but now I will do it in the next re-boot.

If you go to start/run and type regedit.
Now, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
and see if you have
Comodo Firewall Pro there in name column.
Check that the name is correct with where you have installed the firewall.
For me it looks like this in data column.
“C:\Program\Comodo\Firewall\CPF.exe” /background

I went to
but there is no sign of Comodo there…

There are values of other programs like Nod32 but no Comodo.

So what should I do?
Reninstall they way you describe above?
How will I enter a key in the registry for Comodo to start?

Thank you.

You don’t use any registry protecting program do you?
Do you use any other security programs other than NOD32?
That key should be written when you install.
You can try to add it your self in registry if you want.
Another workaround if it doesn’t work in any other way, is to add it in start/programs/autostart, but then you will probably have to close the open firewall window manually every time you boot.

If you haven’t tried it, download the firewall again, if it got corrupted during download.

Hello and thank you very much! My problem was solved by downloading Comodo again and uninstalling, rebooting, cleaning the registry, installing, rebooting again.

I have checked the specific registry key: (“C:\Program\Comodo\Firewall\CPF.exe” /background) and it is there now…

I have rebooted twice and it loads on start up!

I would like to thank you very much for your support and your excellent firewall…

It is my habbit to try several programs now and then, that is why I use regseeker. I will look for an option in regseeker not to touch anything named Comodo. I have to mention though, that I have never faced such a problem with a firewall. I use to have zone alarm(basic) and then Kaspersky Internet security 6.0 (trial).

I do not use any registry protecting program. I use regseeker to clean it.
At the same time with Comodo and Nod32 they are running:
-All-in-one Secretmaker
-e Trust pest patrol antispyware
-Trojan Hunter guard (trial)

I have also ad-aware Pro and spybot and I try others.
If you have any suggestions I would be grateful (sorry for the off-topic).

I mention all the above in case there is a known conflict.

Thank you VERY much once again :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. :smiley:
I also have NOD32 and Adaware pro. I use Spyware Terminator sometimes.
I have not used your other apps, so i don’t know if there is any conflicts, but you will find out soon if there is… :wink:
Just ask here in the forum if you have any problems, and someone will probably be able to help you.
Good luck.