Comodo blocking ventrilo?

Erm. Yeah. I can’t connect to Ventrilo whlie my Comodo Firewall & Defense+ is running.
I’m using Windows Vista and Comodo 3.9.95478.509.
When Comodo popped up asking about Ventrilo, I allowed it, yet when I run Ventrilo, it keeps saying ‘unable to resolve hostname.’
Thanks if you can actually help me, if you can. (or if it’s even Comodo blocking it)

Note: Ventrilo worked PERFECTLY fine before I installed Comodo, so I’m certain it’s that. I’m just getting a little frustrated, and may end up just uninstalling Comodo and going back to Zonealarm… ._.

Edit: I have checked google for any solution to this problem, but I haven’t found anything…

Welcome to the forum.

I’m not 100% on this, as I haven’t used ventrilo for a while. If I remember correctly, when you specify a server in Ventrilo, you specify either a host name or an IP Address and a port through which to connect.

You will need to make sure you have appropriate rules in your firewall to allow ventrilo.exe to communicate.

Open the Firewall/Advanced/Network Security Policy and add an Application rule. You may also need to allow incoming connections in both application rules and global rules.

Check the help file for details of protocols and ports in firewalls.

Didn’t even notice there’s a reply.
Well, I got Ventrilo to work, just I keep dcing every 10 minutes.
Is that my internet, or is it Comodo?

Can you provide us with the details of what ports need to be opened for what protocols for ventrilo?

Did you open pors(s) for verntrilo in CIS? Can you show us a screenshot of the Application Rules of ventrilo and your Global Rules. They can be found under Firewall -->Advanced → Network Security Policy.