I have Comodo FW 2 and I want upgrade to version 3. However, will version 3, which has HIPS, clash with Spyware Terminator which also has HIPS.
(XP Pro; Spyware Terminator; Ad-Aware 2007 free version; Spywareware Blaster; BOCLean 4.25)
I have Comodo FW 2 and I want upgrade to version 3. However, will version 3, which has HIPS, clash with Spyware Terminator which also has HIPS.
(XP Pro; Spyware Terminator; Ad-Aware 2007 free version; Spywareware Blaster; BOCLean 4.25)
I don’t know if they will necessarily clash though on mine it slowed up the computer some. There’s a good chance they will, but the two services are definitely redundant either way. I run Spyware Terminator real time without HIPS and just leave Comodo HIPS running. At least on my system Comodo is less of a resource hog and alerts me to a lot more in a lot clearer language. Just my opinion, but you only need one star.
same config here, CFP 3.0 (with DEF+ on) and Spyware Terminator with HIPS off, as ST HIPS can’t obviously compete with CFP DEF+. And the two together would certainly conflict. Also I got to deactivate ST completely each time I install a program or extract an archive, not to avoid alerts, cause ST HIPS is off, but to avoid big system slow downs. BTW anyone knows if CAVS 3 will have an anti-spy module?
Leopard19, appreciate your assistance. That is one thing I did forget to mention. To avoid slowdowns Spyware Terminator should be deactivated.
BTW anyone knows if CAVS 3 will have an anti-spy module?
Not much information is available on CAVS3 so I’m just hazarding a guess here… CAVS Beta 2 already uses spyware definitions. In CAVS 3 I don’t believe there will be a completely separate module (if you’re familiar with nod32 at all I’m thinking those kinds of modules: Amon, Dmon, Emon, etc), but it will have massively increased definitions for spyware as well as other malware. Once again, I’m just taking a guess here as none of us save for the developers have gotten a look at it yet and Melih and other admins are doing a great job of keeping secrets. Hope that helps some. If you have any other questions about CAVS please post them in the appropriate forum as I’d rather not pollute this users thread, no offense intended :SMLR
np (:WIN)
thanks for your post.
I had slowdown issues running both. In the end I decided to get rid of Spyware Terminator. The slowdown isn’t as bad, but I still think there are some issues with Comodo V3 that slowdown the computer. I’m not sure what it could be because it doesn’t take up that many resources, but when it’s installed my computer just feels sluggish.