Cloud AV allows malware to run while user decides whether to clean or not [M943]

Thank you very much for your report in standard format, with all information supplied. The care you have taken is much appreciated by Comodo, and will increase the likelihood that this bug can be fixed.

Developers may or may not communicate with you in the forum or by PM/IM, depending on time availability and need. Because you have supplied complete information they may be able to replicate and fix the bug without doing so.

Many thanks again.

Not fixed in CIS 7.0.315459.4132

Thanks for checking this. I have updated the tracker.

I can’t test this because I think my cloud AV is malfunctioning, it doesn’t detect the zemana keylogger anymore.

Actually, the devs have responded that the amount of time and resources it would take to alter this behavior is not worth the value it would have for the number of users who disable the BB and the HIPS. This is due to the underlying functionality, which is why it would take a great deal of effort to change this.

I hope you understand. I will now move this to Resolved. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Well I know I’m never going to go with CFW only, CIS all the way in that case. Shame.